Commit eec95fe0 authored by Spiros Koulouzis's avatar Spiros Koulouzis

playbook is executed but we have a null exception in the response

parent 842ff7bc
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class</p>
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
<dd><a href="json_DeployRequest.html">DeployRequest</a>, <a href="json_ProvisionRequest.html">ProvisionRequest</a>, <a href="json_KeyPair.html">KeyPair</a>, <a href="json_KeyValueHolder.html">KeyValueHolder</a>, <a href="json_PlanResponse.html">PlanResponse</a>, <a href="json_PlaybookRepresentation.html">PlaybookRepresentation</a>, <a href="json_Script.html">Script</a>, <a href="json_ProvisionResponse.html">ProvisionResponse</a>, <a href="json_DeployResponse.html">DeployResponse</a>, <a href="json_ToscaRepresentation.html">ToscaRepresentation</a>, <a href="json_CloudCredentials.html">CloudCredentials</a></dd>
<dd><a href="json_DeployRequest.html">DeployRequest</a>, <a href="json_KeyPair.html">KeyPair</a>, <a href="json_ProvisionRequest.html">ProvisionRequest</a>, <a href="json_KeyValueHolder.html">KeyValueHolder</a>, <a href="json_PlanResponse.html">PlanResponse</a>, <a href="json_PlaybookRepresentation.html">PlaybookRepresentation</a>, <a href="json_ProvisionResponse.html">ProvisionResponse</a>, <a href="json_Script.html">Script</a>, <a href="json_DeployResponse.html">DeployResponse</a>, <a href="json_ToscaRepresentation.html">ToscaRepresentation</a>, <a href="json_CloudCredentials.html">CloudCredentials</a></dd>
<table class="table datatype-properties">
{'creationDate': 1492708199214, 'parameters': [{'url': 'null', 'attributes': 'null', 'name': 'credential', 'value': '"[{"host": "", "result": {"msg": "All items completed", "changed": false, "results": [{"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": false, "_ansible_no_log": false, "cache_updated": true, "_ansible_item_result": true, "item": ["phoronix-test-suite", "sysbench", "expect", "git", "python-pexpect", "php-zip"], "invocation": {"module_name": "apt", "module_args": {"dpkg_options": "force-confdef,force-confold", "autoremove": false, "force": false, "name": ["phoronix-test-suite", "sysbench", "expect", "git", "python-pexpect", "php-zip"], "install_recommends": null, "package": ["phoronix-test-suite", "sysbench", "expect", "git", "python-pexpect", "php-zip"], "purge": false, "allow_unauthenticated": false, "state": "latest", "upgrade": null, "update_cache": true, "deb": null, "only_upgrade": false, "default_release": null, "cache_valid_time": 0}}, "cache_update_time": 1492707923}]}}, {"host": "", "result": {"msg": "All items completed", "changed": false, "results": [{"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": false, "_ansible_no_log": false, "cache_updated": true, "_ansible_item_result": true, "item": ["phoronix-test-suite", "sysbench", "expect", "git", "python-pexpect", "php-zip"], "invocation": {"module_name": "apt", "module_args": {"dpkg_options": "force-confdef,force-confold", "autoremove": false, "force": false, "name": ["phoronix-test-suite", "sysbench", "expect", "git", "python-pexpect", "php-zip"], "install_recommends": null, "package": ["phoronix-test-suite", "sysbench", "expect", "git", "python-pexpect", "php-zip"], "purge": false, "allow_unauthenticated": false, "state": "latest", "upgrade": null, "update_cache": true, "deb": null, "only_upgrade": false, "default_release": null, "cache_valid_time": 0}}, "cache_update_time": 1492707923}]}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:05:26.650639", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "spawn phoronix-test-suite\\r\\n\\r\\nPhoronix Test Suite v5.2.1 (Khanino)\\r\\n\\r\\nThe Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and BSD operating systems. The Phoronix Test Suite allows for carrying out tests in a fully automated manner from test installation to execution and reporting. All tests are meant to be easily reproducible, easy-to-use, and support fully automated execution. The Phoronix Test Suite is open-source under the GNU GPLv3 license and is developed by Phoronix Media in cooperation with partners.\\r\\n\\r\\nView the included PDF / HTML documentation or visit for full details.\\r\\n\\r\\nTEST INSTALLATION\\r\\n\\r\\n install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n install-dependencies [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n make-download-cache\\r\\n remove-installed-test [Test]\\r\\n\\r\\nTESTING\\r\\n\\r\\n auto-compare\\r\\n benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n finish-run [Test Result]\\r\\n run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n run-random-tests\\r\\n run-tests-in-suite\\r\\n\\r\\nBATCH TESTING\\r\\n\\r\\n batch-benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n batch-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n batch-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n batch-setup\\r\\n default-benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n default-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n internal-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n\\r\\nOPENBENCHMARKING.ORG\\r\\n\\r\\n clone-result [OpenBenchmarking ID] ...\\r\\n list-recommended-tests\\r\\n openbenchmarking-changes\\r\\n openbenchmarking-launcher\\r\\n openbenchmarking-login\\r\\n openbenchmarking-refresh\\r\\n openbenchmarking-repositories\\r\\n upload-result [Test Result]\\r\\n upload-test-profile\\r\\n upload-test-suite\\r\\n\\r\\nSYSTEM\\r\\n\\r\\n detailed-system-info\\r\\n diagnostics\\r\\n interactive\\r\\n system-info\\r\\n system-sensors\\r\\n\\r\\nINFORMATION\\r\\n\\r\\n info [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result]\\r\\n list-available-suites\\r\\n list-available-tests\\r\\n list-available-virtual-suites\\r\\n list-installed-dependencies\\r\\n list-installed-suites\\r\\n list-installed-tests\\r\\n list-missing-dependencies\\r\\n list-possible-dependencies\\r\\n list-saved-results\\r\\n list-test-usage\\r\\n list-unsupported-tests\\r\\n\\r\\nASSET CREATION\\r\\n\\r\\n debug-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n debug-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n debug-test-download-links [Test | Suite]\\r\\n download-test-files [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n force-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n result-file-to-suite [Test Result]\\r\\n validate-result-file\\r\\n validate-test-profile\\r\\n validate-test-suite\\r\\n\\r\\nRESULT MANAGEMENT\\r\\n\\r\\n auto-sort-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n copy-run-in-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n edit-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n extract-from-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n merge-results [Test Result] ...\\r\\n refresh-graphs [Test Result]\\r\\n remove-from-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n remove-result [Test Result]\\r\\n rename-identifier-in-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n rename-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n reorder-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n result-file-to-csv [Test Result]\\r\\n result-file-to-pdf [Test Result]\\r\\n result-file-to-text [Test Result]\\r\\n show-result [Test Result]\\r\\n\\r\\nRESULT ANALYTICS\\r\\n\\r\\n analyze-all-runs [Test Result]\\r\\n analyze-batch [Test Result]\\r\\n analyze-image-delta [Test Result]\\r\\n\\r\\nOTHER\\r\\n\\r\\n build-suite\\r\\n debug-self-test\\r\\n help\\r\\n network-setup\\r\\n rebuild-composite-xml [Test Result]\\r\\n user-config-reset\\r\\n user-config-set\\r\\n version\\r\\n\\r\\nWEB / GUI SUPPORT\\r\\n\\r\\n gui\\r\\n start-remote-gui-server\\r\\n start-ws-server\\r\\n\\r\\nMODULES\\r\\n\\r\\n list-modules\\r\\n module-info [Phoronix Test Suite Module]\\r\\n module-setup [Phoronix Test Suite Module]\\r\\n test-module [Phoronix Test Suite Module]\\r\\n\\r\\nGUI / WEB SUPPORT\\r\\n\\r\\n start-phoromatic-server", "cmd": ["expect", "-c", "spawn phoronix-test-suite; expect \\"Do you agree to these terms and wish to proceed \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send \\"Y \\"; expect \\"Enable anonymous usage / statistics reporting \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send \\"n \\"; expect \\"Enable anonymous statistical reporting of installed software / hardware \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send \\"n \\"; interact;"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:26.152576", "stderr": "send: spawn id exp4 not open\\n while executing\\n\\"send \\"Y \\"\\"", "delta": "0:00:00.498063", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "expect -c \\"spawn phoronix-test-suite; expect \\\\\\"Do you agree to these terms and wish to proceed \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"Y \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enable anonymous usage / statistics reporting \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"n \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enable anonymous statistical reporting of installed software / hardware \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"n \\\\\\"; interact;\\"", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["spawn phoronix-test-suite", "", "Phoronix Test Suite v5.2.1 (Khanino)", "", "The Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and BSD operating systems. The Phoronix Test Suite allows for carrying out tests in a fully automated manner from test installation to execution and reporting. All tests are meant to be easily reproducible, easy-to-use, and support fully automated execution. The Phoronix Test Suite is open-source under the GNU GPLv3 license and is developed by Phoronix Media in cooperation with partners.", "", "View the included PDF / HTML documentation or visit for full details.", "", "TEST INSTALLATION", "", " install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " install-dependencies [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " make-download-cache", " remove-installed-test [Test]", "", "TESTING", "", " auto-compare", " benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " finish-run [Test Result]", " run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " run-random-tests", " run-tests-in-suite", "", "BATCH TESTING", "", " batch-benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " batch-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " batch-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " batch-setup", " default-benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " default-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " internal-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", "", "OPENBENCHMARKING.ORG", "", " clone-result [OpenBenchmarking ID] ...", " list-recommended-tests", " openbenchmarking-changes", " openbenchmarking-launcher", " openbenchmarking-login", " openbenchmarking-refresh", " openbenchmarking-repositories", " upload-result [Test Result]", " upload-test-profile", " upload-test-suite", "", "SYSTEM", "", " detailed-system-info", " diagnostics", " interactive", " system-info", " system-sensors", "", "INFORMATION", "", " info [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result]", " list-available-suites", " list-available-tests", " list-available-virtual-suites", " list-installed-dependencies", " list-installed-suites", " list-installed-tests", " list-missing-dependencies", " list-possible-dependencies", " list-saved-results", " list-test-usage", " list-unsupported-tests", "", "ASSET CREATION", "", " debug-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " debug-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " debug-test-download-links [Test | Suite]", " download-test-files [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " force-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " result-file-to-suite [Test Result]", " validate-result-file", " validate-test-profile", " validate-test-suite", "", "RESULT MANAGEMENT", "", " auto-sort-result-file [Test Result]", " copy-run-in-result-file [Test Result]", " edit-result-file [Test Result]", " extract-from-result-file [Test Result]", " merge-results [Test Result] ...", " refresh-graphs [Test Result]", " remove-from-result-file [Test Result]", " remove-result [Test Result]", " rename-identifier-in-result-file [Test Result]", " rename-result-file [Test Result]", " reorder-result-file [Test Result]", " result-file-to-csv [Test Result]", " result-file-to-pdf [Test Result]", " result-file-to-text [Test Result]", " show-result [Test Result]", "", "RESULT ANALYTICS", "", " analyze-all-runs [Test Result]", " analyze-batch [Test Result]", " analyze-image-delta [Test Result]", "", "OTHER", "", " build-suite", " debug-self-test", " help", " network-setup", " rebuild-composite-xml [Test Result]", " user-config-reset", " user-config-set", " version", "", "WEB / GUI SUPPORT", "", " gui", " start-remote-gui-server", " start-ws-server", "", "MODULES", "", " list-modules", " module-info [Phoronix Test Suite Module]", " module-setup [Phoronix Test Suite Module]", " test-module [Phoronix Test Suite Module]", "", "GUI / WEB SUPPORT", "", " start-phoromatic-server"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:05:26.714494", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "spawn phoronix-test-suite\\r\\n\\r\\nPhoronix Test Suite v5.2.1 (Khanino)\\r\\n\\r\\nThe Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and BSD operating systems. The Phoronix Test Suite allows for carrying out tests in a fully automated manner from test installation to execution and reporting. All tests are meant to be easily reproducible, easy-to-use, and support fully automated execution. The Phoronix Test Suite is open-source under the GNU GPLv3 license and is developed by Phoronix Media in cooperation with partners.\\r\\n\\r\\nView the included PDF / HTML documentation or visit for full details.\\r\\n\\r\\nTEST INSTALLATION\\r\\n\\r\\n install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n install-dependencies [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n make-download-cache\\r\\n remove-installed-test [Test]\\r\\n\\r\\nTESTING\\r\\n\\r\\n auto-compare\\r\\n benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n finish-run [Test Result]\\r\\n run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n run-random-tests\\r\\n run-tests-in-suite\\r\\n\\r\\nBATCH TESTING\\r\\n\\r\\n batch-benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n batch-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n batch-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n batch-setup\\r\\n default-benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n default-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n internal-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n\\r\\nOPENBENCHMARKING.ORG\\r\\n\\r\\n clone-result [OpenBenchmarking ID] ...\\r\\n list-recommended-tests\\r\\n openbenchmarking-changes\\r\\n openbenchmarking-launcher\\r\\n openbenchmarking-login\\r\\n openbenchmarking-refresh\\r\\n openbenchmarking-repositories\\r\\n upload-result [Test Result]\\r\\n upload-test-profile\\r\\n upload-test-suite\\r\\n\\r\\nSYSTEM\\r\\n\\r\\n detailed-system-info\\r\\n diagnostics\\r\\n interactive\\r\\n system-info\\r\\n system-sensors\\r\\n\\r\\nINFORMATION\\r\\n\\r\\n info [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result]\\r\\n list-available-suites\\r\\n list-available-tests\\r\\n list-available-virtual-suites\\r\\n list-installed-dependencies\\r\\n list-installed-suites\\r\\n list-installed-tests\\r\\n list-missing-dependencies\\r\\n list-possible-dependencies\\r\\n list-saved-results\\r\\n list-test-usage\\r\\n list-unsupported-tests\\r\\n\\r\\nASSET CREATION\\r\\n\\r\\n debug-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n debug-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n debug-test-download-links [Test | Suite]\\r\\n download-test-files [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n force-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...\\r\\n result-file-to-suite [Test Result]\\r\\n validate-result-file\\r\\n validate-test-profile\\r\\n validate-test-suite\\r\\n\\r\\nRESULT MANAGEMENT\\r\\n\\r\\n auto-sort-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n copy-run-in-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n edit-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n extract-from-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n merge-results [Test Result] ...\\r\\n refresh-graphs [Test Result]\\r\\n remove-from-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n remove-result [Test Result]\\r\\n rename-identifier-in-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n rename-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n reorder-result-file [Test Result]\\r\\n result-file-to-csv [Test Result]\\r\\n result-file-to-pdf [Test Result]\\r\\n result-file-to-text [Test Result]\\r\\n show-result [Test Result]\\r\\n\\r\\nRESULT ANALYTICS\\r\\n\\r\\n analyze-all-runs [Test Result]\\r\\n analyze-batch [Test Result]\\r\\n analyze-image-delta [Test Result]\\r\\n\\r\\nOTHER\\r\\n\\r\\n build-suite\\r\\n debug-self-test\\r\\n help\\r\\n network-setup\\r\\n rebuild-composite-xml [Test Result]\\r\\n user-config-reset\\r\\n user-config-set\\r\\n version\\r\\n\\r\\nWEB / GUI SUPPORT\\r\\n\\r\\n gui\\r\\n start-remote-gui-server\\r\\n start-ws-server\\r\\n\\r\\nMODULES\\r\\n\\r\\n list-modules\\r\\n module-info [Phoronix Test Suite Module]\\r\\n module-setup [Phoronix Test Suite Module]\\r\\n test-module [Phoronix Test Suite Module]\\r\\n\\r\\nGUI / WEB SUPPORT\\r\\n\\r\\n start-phoromatic-server", "cmd": ["expect", "-c", "spawn phoronix-test-suite; expect \\"Do you agree to these terms and wish to proceed \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send \\"Y \\"; expect \\"Enable anonymous usage / statistics reporting \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send \\"n \\"; expect \\"Enable anonymous statistical reporting of installed software / hardware \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send \\"n \\"; interact;"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:26.270759", "stderr": "send: spawn id exp4 not open\\n while executing\\n\\"send \\"Y \\"\\"", "delta": "0:00:00.443735", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "expect -c \\"spawn phoronix-test-suite; expect \\\\\\"Do you agree to these terms and wish to proceed \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"Y \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enable anonymous usage / statistics reporting \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"n \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enable anonymous statistical reporting of installed software / hardware \\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"n \\\\\\"; interact;\\"", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["spawn phoronix-test-suite", "", "Phoronix Test Suite v5.2.1 (Khanino)", "", "The Phoronix Test Suite is the most comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform available for Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and BSD operating systems. The Phoronix Test Suite allows for carrying out tests in a fully automated manner from test installation to execution and reporting. All tests are meant to be easily reproducible, easy-to-use, and support fully automated execution. The Phoronix Test Suite is open-source under the GNU GPLv3 license and is developed by Phoronix Media in cooperation with partners.", "", "View the included PDF / HTML documentation or visit for full details.", "", "TEST INSTALLATION", "", " install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " install-dependencies [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " make-download-cache", " remove-installed-test [Test]", "", "TESTING", "", " auto-compare", " benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " finish-run [Test Result]", " run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " run-random-tests", " run-tests-in-suite", "", "BATCH TESTING", "", " batch-benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " batch-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " batch-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " batch-setup", " default-benchmark [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " default-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " internal-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", "", "OPENBENCHMARKING.ORG", "", " clone-result [OpenBenchmarking ID] ...", " list-recommended-tests", " openbenchmarking-changes", " openbenchmarking-launcher", " openbenchmarking-login", " openbenchmarking-refresh", " openbenchmarking-repositories", " upload-result [Test Result]", " upload-test-profile", " upload-test-suite", "", "SYSTEM", "", " detailed-system-info", " diagnostics", " interactive", " system-info", " system-sensors", "", "INFORMATION", "", " info [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result]", " list-available-suites", " list-available-tests", " list-available-virtual-suites", " list-installed-dependencies", " list-installed-suites", " list-installed-tests", " list-missing-dependencies", " list-possible-dependencies", " list-saved-results", " list-test-usage", " list-unsupported-tests", "", "ASSET CREATION", "", " debug-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " debug-run [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " debug-test-download-links [Test | Suite]", " download-test-files [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " force-install [Test | Suite | ID | Test Result] ...", " result-file-to-suite [Test Result]", " validate-result-file", " validate-test-profile", " validate-test-suite", "", "RESULT MANAGEMENT", "", " auto-sort-result-file [Test Result]", " copy-run-in-result-file [Test Result]", " edit-result-file [Test Result]", " extract-from-result-file [Test Result]", " merge-results [Test Result] ...", " refresh-graphs [Test Result]", " remove-from-result-file [Test Result]", " remove-result [Test Result]", " rename-identifier-in-result-file [Test Result]", " rename-result-file [Test Result]", " reorder-result-file [Test Result]", " result-file-to-csv [Test Result]", " result-file-to-pdf [Test Result]", " result-file-to-text [Test Result]", " show-result [Test Result]", "", "RESULT ANALYTICS", "", " analyze-all-runs [Test Result]", " analyze-batch [Test Result]", " analyze-image-delta [Test Result]", "", "OTHER", "", " build-suite", " debug-self-test", " help", " network-setup", " rebuild-composite-xml [Test Result]", " user-config-reset", " user-config-set", " version", "", "WEB / GUI SUPPORT", "", " gui", " start-remote-gui-server", " start-ws-server", "", "MODULES", "", " list-modules", " module-info [Phoronix Test Suite Module]", " module-setup [Phoronix Test Suite Module]", " test-module [Phoronix Test Suite Module]", "", "GUI / WEB SUPPORT", "", " start-phoromatic-server"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:05:28.901218", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "\\nPhoronix Test Suite v5.2.1\\n\\n Installed: pts/stream-1.3.1", "cmd": ["phoronix-test-suite", "install-test", "stream"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:28.569814", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:00.331404", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "phoronix-test-suite install-test stream", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["", "Phoronix Test Suite v5.2.1", "", " Installed: pts/stream-1.3.1"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:05:28.991070", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "\\nPhoronix Test Suite v5.2.1\\n\\n Installed: pts/stream-1.3.1", "cmd": ["phoronix-test-suite", "install-test", "stream"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:28.687064", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:00.304006", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "phoronix-test-suite install-test stream", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["", "Phoronix Test Suite v5.2.1", "", " Installed: pts/stream-1.3.1"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:05:31.178001", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "\\nPhoronix Test Suite v5.2.1\\n\\n Installed: pts/iozone-1.8.0", "cmd": ["phoronix-test-suite", "install-test", "iozone"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:30.853511", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:00.324490", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "phoronix-test-suite install-test iozone", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["", "Phoronix Test Suite v5.2.1", "", " Installed: pts/iozone-1.8.0"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:05:31.273786", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "\\nPhoronix Test Suite v5.2.1\\n\\n Installed: pts/iozone-1.8.0", "cmd": ["phoronix-test-suite", "install-test", "iozone"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:30.971586", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:00.302200", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "phoronix-test-suite install-test iozone", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["", "Phoronix Test Suite v5.2.1", "", " Installed: pts/iozone-1.8.0"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:05:33.137316", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "2", "cmd": ["nproc"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:33.135877", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:00.001439", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "nproc", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["2"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:05:33.253802", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "2", "cmd": ["nproc"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:33.252398", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:00.001404", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "nproc", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["2"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"invocation": {"module_name": "debug", "module_args": {"msg": "2"}}, "msg": "2", "changed": false, "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false}}, {"host": "", "result": {"invocation": {"module_name": "debug", "module_args": {"msg": "2"}}, "msg": "2", "changed": false, "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:07:50.128329", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark\\n\\nRunning the test with following options:\\nNumber of threads: 2\\n\\nDoing CPU performance benchmark\\n\\nThreads started!\\nDone.\\n\\nMaximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000\\n\\n\\nTest execution summary:\\n total time: 135.0155s\\n total number of events: 10000\\n total time taken by event execution: 270.0030\\n per-request statistics:\\n min: 26.81ms\\n avg: 27.00ms\\n max: 29.10ms\\n approx. 95 percentile: 27.42ms\\n\\nThreads fairness:\\n events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/0.00\\n execution time (avg/stddev): 135.0015/0.01", "cmd": ["sysbench", "--test=cpu", "--cpu-max-prime=100000", "--num-threads=2", "run"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:35.109826", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:02:15.018503", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=100000 --num-threads=2 run", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark", "", "Running the test with following options:", "Number of threads: 2", "", "Doing CPU performance benchmark", "", "Threads started!", "Done.", "", "Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000", "", "", "Test execution summary:", " total time: 135.0155s", " total number of events: 10000", " total time taken by event execution: 270.0030", " per-request statistics:", " min: 26.81ms", " avg: 27.00ms", " max: 29.10ms", " approx. 95 percentile: 27.42ms", "", "Threads fairness:", " events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/0.00", " execution time (avg/stddev): 135.0015/0.01"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:07:51.919934", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark\\n\\nRunning the test with following options:\\nNumber of threads: 2\\n\\nDoing CPU performance benchmark\\n\\nThreads started!\\nDone.\\n\\nMaximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000\\n\\n\\nTest execution summary:\\n total time: 136.6874s\\n total number of events: 10000\\n total time taken by event execution: 273.3695\\n per-request statistics:\\n min: 27.28ms\\n avg: 27.34ms\\n max: 31.56ms\\n approx. 95 percentile: 27.40ms\\n\\nThreads fairness:\\n events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/0.00\\n execution time (avg/stddev): 136.6848/0.00", "cmd": ["sysbench", "--test=cpu", "--cpu-max-prime=100000", "--num-threads=2", "run"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:05:35.229646", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:02:16.690288", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=100000 --num-threads=2 run", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark", "", "Running the test with following options:", "Number of threads: 2", "", "Doing CPU performance benchmark", "", "Threads started!", "Done.", "", "Maximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000", "", "", "Test execution summary:", " total time: 136.6874s", " total number of events: 10000", " total time taken by event execution: 273.3695", " per-request statistics:", " min: 27.28ms", " avg: 27.34ms", " max: 31.56ms", " approx. 95 percentile: 27.40ms", "", "Threads fairness:", " events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/0.00", " execution time (avg/stddev): 136.6848/0.00"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"invocation": {"module_name": "debug", "module_args": {"msg": "sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark\\n\\nRunning the test with following options:\\nNumber of threads: 2\\n\\nDoing CPU performance benchmark\\n\\nThreads started!\\nDone.\\n\\nMaximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000\\n\\n\\nTest execution summary:\\n total time: 135.0155s\\n total number of events: 10000\\n total time taken by event execution: 270.0030\\n per-request statistics:\\n min: 26.81ms\\n avg: 27.00ms\\n max: 29.10ms\\n approx. 95 percentile: 27.42ms\\n\\nThreads fairness:\\n events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/0.00\\n execution time (avg/stddev): 135.0015/0.01"}}, "msg": "sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark\\n\\nRunning the test with following options:\\nNumber of threads: 2\\n\\nDoing CPU performance benchmark\\n\\nThreads started!\\nDone.\\n\\nMaximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000\\n\\n\\nTest execution summary:\\n total time: 135.0155s\\n total number of events: 10000\\n total time taken by event execution: 270.0030\\n per-request statistics:\\n min: 26.81ms\\n avg: 27.00ms\\n max: 29.10ms\\n approx. 95 percentile: 27.42ms\\n\\nThreads fairness:\\n events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/0.00\\n execution time (avg/stddev): 135.0015/0.01", "changed": false, "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false}}, {"host": "", "result": {"invocation": {"module_name": "debug", "module_args": {"msg": "sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark\\n\\nRunning the test with following options:\\nNumber of threads: 2\\n\\nDoing CPU performance benchmark\\n\\nThreads started!\\nDone.\\n\\nMaximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000\\n\\n\\nTest execution summary:\\n total time: 136.6874s\\n total number of events: 10000\\n total time taken by event execution: 273.3695\\n per-request statistics:\\n min: 27.28ms\\n avg: 27.34ms\\n max: 31.56ms\\n approx. 95 percentile: 27.40ms\\n\\nThreads fairness:\\n events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/0.00\\n execution time (avg/stddev): 136.6848/0.00"}}, "msg": "sysbench 0.4.12: multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark\\n\\nRunning the test with following options:\\nNumber of threads: 2\\n\\nDoing CPU performance benchmark\\n\\nThreads started!\\nDone.\\n\\nMaximum prime number checked in CPU test: 100000\\n\\n\\nTest execution summary:\\n total time: 136.6874s\\n total number of events: 10000\\n total time taken by event execution: 273.3695\\n per-request statistics:\\n min: 27.28ms\\n avg: 27.34ms\\n max: 31.56ms\\n approx. 95 percentile: 27.40ms\\n\\nThreads fairness:\\n events (avg/stddev): 5000.0000/0.00\\n execution time (avg/stddev): 136.6848/0.00", "changed": false, "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:08:44.318872", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nStream 2013-01-17:\\r\\n pts/stream-1.3.1\\r\\n Memory Test Configuration\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: 4 y\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: out unique\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: \\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: ", "cmd": ["expect", "-c", "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream; expect \\"Type:\\"; send \\"4 \\"; expect \\"\\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send -- \\"y\\\\r\\"; expect \\"Enter a name to save these results under:\\"; send \\"out \\"; expect \\"Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\\"; send -- \\"unique\\\\r\\"; expect \\"New Description:\\"; send \\"\\\\r\\"; expect \\"Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n):\\"; send \\"n\\\\r\\"; interact;"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:07:53.849798", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:50.469074", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "expect -c \\"spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream; expect \\\\\\"Type:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"4 \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"\\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send -- \\\\\\"y\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enter a name to save these results under:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"out \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\\\\\\"; send -- \\\\\\"unique\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"New Description:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"n\\\\r\\\\\\"; interact;\\"", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream", "", "", "Stream 2013-01-17:", " pts/stream-1.3.1", " Memory Test Configuration", " 1: Copy", " 2: Scale", " 3: Add", " 4: Triad", " 5: Test All Options", " Type: 4 y", "", " 1: Copy", " 2: Scale", " 3: Add", " 4: Triad", " 5: Test All Options", " Type: out unique", "", " 1: Copy", " 2: Scale", " 3: Add", " 4: Triad", " 5: Test All Options", " Type: ", "", " 1: Copy", " 2: Scale", " 3: Add", " 4: Triad", " 5: Test All Options", " Type: "], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:08:44.408850", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nStream 2013-01-17:\\r\\n pts/stream-1.3.1\\r\\n Memory Test Configuration\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: 4 y\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: out unique\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: \\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: ", "cmd": ["expect", "-c", "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream; expect \\"Type:\\"; send \\"4 \\"; expect \\"\\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send -- \\"y\\\\r\\"; expect \\"Enter a name to save these results under:\\"; send \\"out \\"; expect \\"Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\\"; send -- \\"unique\\\\r\\"; expect \\"New Description:\\"; send \\"\\\\r\\"; expect \\"Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n):\\"; send \\"n\\\\r\\"; interact;"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:07:54.027165", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:50.381685", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "expect -c \\"spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream; expect \\\\\\"Type:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"4 \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"\\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send -- \\\\\\"y\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enter a name to save these results under:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"out \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\\\\\\"; send -- \\\\\\"unique\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"New Description:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"n\\\\r\\\\\\"; interact;\\"", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream", "", "", "Stream 2013-01-17:", " pts/stream-1.3.1", " Memory Test Configuration", " 1: Copy", " 2: Scale", " 3: Add", " 4: Triad", " 5: Test All Options", " Type: 4 y", "", " 1: Copy", " 2: Scale", " 3: Add", " 4: Triad", " 5: Test All Options", " Type: out unique", "", " 1: Copy", " 2: Scale", " 3: Add", " 4: Triad", " 5: Test All Options", " Type: ", "", " 1: Copy", " 2: Scale", " 3: Add", " 4: Triad", " 5: Test All Options", " Type: "], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"invocation": {"module_name": "debug", "module_args": {"msg": "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nStream 2013-01-17:\\r\\n pts/stream-1.3.1\\r\\n Memory Test Configuration\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: 4 y\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: out unique\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: \\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: "}}, "msg": "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nStream 2013-01-17:\\r\\n pts/stream-1.3.1\\r\\n Memory Test Configuration\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: 4 y\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: out unique\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: \\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: ", "changed": false, "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false}}, {"host": "", "result": {"invocation": {"module_name": "debug", "module_args": {"msg": "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nStream 2013-01-17:\\r\\n pts/stream-1.3.1\\r\\n Memory Test Configuration\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: 4 y\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: out unique\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: \\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: "}}, "msg": "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nStream 2013-01-17:\\r\\n pts/stream-1.3.1\\r\\n Memory Test Configuration\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: 4 y\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: out unique\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: \\r\\n\\r\\n 1: Copy\\r\\n 2: Scale\\r\\n 3: Add\\r\\n 4: Triad\\r\\n 5: Test All Options\\r\\n Type: ", "changed": false, "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:09:56.659090", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nIOzone 3.405:\\r\\n pts/iozone-1.8.0\\r\\n Disk Test Configuration\\r\\n 1: 4Kb\\r\\n 2: 64Kb\\r\\n 3: 1MB\\r\\n 4: Test All Options\\r\\n Record Size: 2 2 3 y\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: 4Kb\\r\\n 2: 64Kb\\r\\n 3: 1MB\\r\\n 4: Test All Options\\r\\n Record Size: out unique\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: 4Kb\\r\\n 2: 64Kb\\r\\n 3: 1MB\\r\\n 4: Test All Options\\r\\n Record Size: \\r\\n\\r\\n 1: 4Kb\\r\\n 2: 64Kb\\r\\n 3: 1MB\\r\\n 4: Test All Options\\r\\n Record Size: ", "cmd": ["expect", "-c", "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone; expect \\"Record Size:\\"; send \\"2 \\"; expect \\"File Size:\\"; send \\"2 \\"; expect \\"Disk Test:\\"; send \\"3 \\"; expect \\"\\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send -- \\"y\\\\r\\"; expect \\"Enter a name to save these results under:\\"; send \\"out \\"; expect \\"Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\\"; send -- \\"unique\\\\r\\"; expect \\"New Description:\\"; send \\"\\\\r\\"; expect \\"Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n):\\"; send \\"n\\\\r\\"; interact;"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:08:46.335144", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:01:10.323946", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "expect -c \\"spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone; expect \\\\\\"Record Size:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"2 \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"File Size:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"2 \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Disk Test:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"3 \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"\\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send -- \\\\\\"y\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enter a name to save these results under:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"out \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\\\\\\"; send -- \\\\\\"unique\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"New Description:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"n\\\\r\\\\\\"; interact;\\"", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone", "", "", "IOzone 3.405:", " pts/iozone-1.8.0", " Disk Test Configuration", " 1: 4Kb", " 2: 64Kb", " 3: 1MB", " 4: Test All Options", " Record Size: 2 2 3 y", "", " 1: 4Kb", " 2: 64Kb", " 3: 1MB", " 4: Test All Options", " Record Size: out unique", "", " 1: 4Kb", " 2: 64Kb", " 3: 1MB", " 4: Test All Options", " Record Size: ", "", " 1: 4Kb", " 2: 64Kb", " 3: 1MB", " 4: Test All Options", " Record Size: "], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:09:56.728854", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nIOzone 3.405:\\r\\n pts/iozone-1.8.0\\r\\n Disk Test Configuration\\r\\n 1: 4Kb\\r\\n 2: 64Kb\\r\\n 3: 1MB\\r\\n 4: Test All Options\\r\\n Record Size: 2 2 3 y\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: 4Kb\\r\\n 2: 64Kb\\r\\n 3: 1MB\\r\\n 4: Test All Options\\r\\n Record Size: out unique\\r\\n\\r\\n 1: 4Kb\\r\\n 2: 64Kb\\r\\n 3: 1MB\\r\\n 4: Test All Options\\r\\n Record Size: \\r\\n\\r\\n 1: 4Kb\\r\\n 2: 64Kb\\r\\n 3: 1MB\\r\\n 4: Test All Options\\r\\n Record Size: ", "cmd": ["expect", "-c", "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone; expect \\"Record Size:\\"; send \\"2 \\"; expect \\"File Size:\\"; send \\"2 \\"; expect \\"Disk Test:\\"; send \\"3 \\"; expect \\"\\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\"; send -- \\"y\\\\r\\"; expect \\"Enter a name to save these results under:\\"; send \\"out \\"; expect \\"Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\\"; send -- \\"unique\\\\r\\"; expect \\"New Description:\\"; send \\"\\\\r\\"; expect \\"Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n):\\"; send \\"n\\\\r\\"; interact;"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:08:46.427652", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:01:10.301202", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "expect -c \\"spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone; expect \\\\\\"Record Size:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"2 \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"File Size:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"2 \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Disk Test:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"3 \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"\\\\(Y/n\\\\):\\\\\\"; send -- \\\\\\"y\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enter a name to save these results under:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"out \\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Enter a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\\\\\\"; send -- \\\\\\"unique\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"New Description:\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"\\\\r\\\\\\"; expect \\\\\\"Would you like to upload the results to (Y/n):\\\\\\"; send \\\\\\"n\\\\r\\\\\\"; interact;\\"", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone", "", "", "IOzone 3.405:", " pts/iozone-1.8.0", " Disk Test Configuration", " 1: 4Kb", " 2: 64Kb", " 3: 1MB", " 4: Test All Options", " Record Size: 2 2 3 y", "", " 1: 4Kb", " 2: 64Kb", " 3: 1MB", " 4: Test All Options", " Record Size: out unique", "", " 1: 4Kb", " 2: 64Kb", " 3: 1MB", " 4: Test All Options", " Record Size: ", "", " 1: 4Kb", " 2: 64Kb", " 3: 1MB", " 4: Test All Options", " Record Size: "], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:09:59.090973", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "\\n[PROBLEM] Invalid Argument: out \\n\\nCORRECT SYNTAX:\\nphoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv [Test Result]", "cmd": ["phoronix-test-suite", "result-file-to-csv", "out"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:09:58.672891", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:00.418082", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "phoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv out", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["", "[PROBLEM] Invalid Argument: out ", "", "CORRECT SYNTAX:", "phoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv [Test Result]"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"_ansible_parsed": true, "changed": true, "end": "2017-04-20 17:09:59.096583", "_ansible_no_log": false, "stdout": "\\n[PROBLEM] Invalid Argument: out \\n\\nCORRECT SYNTAX:\\nphoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv [Test Result]", "cmd": ["phoronix-test-suite", "result-file-to-csv", "out"], "rc": 0, "start": "2017-04-20 17:09:58.735210", "stderr": "", "delta": "0:00:00.361373", "invocation": {"module_name": "command", "module_args": {"warn": true, "executable": null, "_uses_shell": false, "_raw_params": "phoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv out", "removes": null, "creates": null, "chdir": null}}, "stdout_lines": ["", "[PROBLEM] Invalid Argument: out ", "", "CORRECT SYNTAX:", "phoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv [Test Result]"], "warnings": []}}, {"host": "", "result": {"invocation": {"module_name": "debug", "module_args": {"msg": "\\n[PROBLEM] Invalid Argument: out \\n\\nCORRECT SYNTAX:\\nphoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv [Test Result]"}}, "msg": "\\n[PROBLEM] Invalid Argument: out \\n\\nCORRECT SYNTAX:\\nphoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv [Test Result]", "changed": false, "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false}}, {"host": "", "result": {"invocation": {"module_name": "debug", "module_args": {"msg": "\\n[PROBLEM] Invalid Argument: out \\n\\nCORRECT SYNTAX:\\nphoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv [Test Result]"}}, "msg": "\\n[PROBLEM] Invalid Argument: out \\n\\nCORRECT SYNTAX:\\nphoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv [Test Result]", "changed": false, "_ansible_verbose_always": true, "_ansible_no_log": false}}]"', 'encoding': 'UTF-8'}]}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
package nl.uva.sne.drip.api.service;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
......@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import nl.uva.sne.drip.api.dao.DeployDao;
import nl.uva.sne.drip.api.dao.KeyPairDao;
import nl.uva.sne.drip.api.exception.KeyException;
import nl.uva.sne.drip.commons.utils.MessageGenerator;
......@@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ public class DeployService {
Message deployerInvokationMessage = MessageGenerator.generateArtificialMessage(System.getProperty("user.home")
Message response = MessageGenerator.generateArtificialMessage(System.getProperty("user.home")
+ File.separator + "workspace" + File.separator + "DRIP"
+ File.separator + "docs" + File.separator + "json_samples"
+ File.separator + "deployer_invocation.json");
+ File.separator + "deployer_ansible_response2.json");
Message response = (;
// Message response = (;
// Message response = generateFakeResponse();
List<MessageParameter> params = response.getParameters();
DeployResponse deployResponse = new DeployResponse();
......@@ -49,6 +49,14 @@ public class MessageGenerator {
// + "type: Switch.nodes.Compute\\n nodetype: t2.medium\\n OStype: Ubuntu 16.04\\n domain:\\n script: /tmp/Input-4007028381500/\\n installation: null\\n role: slave\\n dockers: mogswitch/ProxyTranscoder\\n public_address:\\n instanceId: i-0a99ea18fcc77ed7a\\n ethernet_port:\\n - {name: p1, subnet_name: s1, address:}\\n\"},{\"name\":\"kubernetes\",\"encoding\":\"UTF-8\",\"value\":\" ubuntu /tmp/Input-4007028381500/Virginia.pem master\\n34.207.254.160 ubuntu /tmp/Input-4007028381500/Virginia.pem slave\\n\"}]}";
// String strResponse = "{\"creationDate\":1488805337447,\"parameters\":[{\"name\":\"2e5dafb6-5a1c-4a66-9dca-5841f99ea735\",\"encoding\":\"UTF-8\",\"value\":\"publicKeyPath: /tmp/Input-11594765342486/user.pem\\nuserName: zh9314\\nsubnets:\\n- {name: s1, subnet:, netmask:}\\ncomponents:\\n- name: 8fcc1788d9ee462c826572c79fdb2a6a\\n type: Switch.nodes.Compute\\n nodeType: t2.medium\\n OStype: Ubuntu 16.04\\n script: /tmp/Input-11594765342486/\\n domain:\\n installation: null\\n clusterType: swarm\\n role: master\\n dockers: mogswitch/ProxyTranscoder:1.0\\n public_address:\\n instanceId: i-0e82b5624a0df99b1\\n ethernet_port:\\n - {name: p1, subnet_name: s1, address:}\\n- name: 8fcc1788d9ee462c826572c79fdb2a6a\\n type: Switch.nodes.Compute\\n nodeType: t2.medium\\n OStype: Ubuntu 16.04\\n script: /tmp/Input-11594765342486/\\n domain:\\n installation: null\\n clusterType: swarm\\n role: slave\\n dockers: mogswitch/ProxyTranscoder:1.0\\n public_address:\\n instanceId: i-0e82b5624a0df99b1\\n ethernet_port:\\n - {name: p1, subnet_name: s1, address:}\\n\"},{\"name\":\"kubernetes\",\"encoding\":\"UTF-8\",\"value\":\" ubuntu /tmp/Input-11594765342486/Virginia.pem master\\n34.207.73.18 ubuntu /tmp/Input-11594765342486/Virginia.pem slave\\n\"}]}";
String strResponse = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(path));
if (strResponse.contains("'null'")) {
strResponse = strResponse.replaceAll("'null'", "null").replaceAll("\'", "\"").replaceAll(" ", "");
if (strResponse.contains("\"value\":{\"")) {
return Converter.string2Message(strResponse);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.configure(JsonParser.Feature.ALLOW_SINGLE_QUOTES, true);
- hosts: all
- name: install sysbench
apt: name="{{ item }}" update_cache=yes state=latest
with_items: [phoronix-test-suite, sysbench, expect, git, python-pexpect, php-zip]
become: true
- {name: Phoronix-test-suite accept User Agreement, command: 'expect -c "spawn phoronix-test-suite;
expect \"Do you agree to these terms and wish to proceed \(Y/n\):\"; send \"Y
\"; expect \"Enable anonymous usage / statistics reporting \(Y/n\):\"; send
\"n \"; expect \"Enable anonymous statistical reporting of installed software
/ hardware \(Y/n\):\"; send \"n \"; interact;"', become: true}
- {name: Install stream, command: phoronix-test-suite install-test stream, become: true}
- {name: Install iozone, command: phoronix-test-suite install-test iozone, become: true}
- {name: Count vCPU, command: nproc, register: vcpunumber, become: true}
- {debug: 'msg="{{ vcpunumber.stdout }}"'}
- {name: Run sysbench, command: 'sysbench --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=100000 --num-threads={{
vcpunumber.stdout }} run', register: sysbenchoutput, become: true}
- {debug: 'msg="{{ sysbenchoutput.stdout }}"'}
- {name: Run stream, command: 'expect -c "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test stream;
expect \"Type:\"; send \"4 \"; expect \"\(Y/n\):\"; send -- \"y\r\"; expect
\"Enter a name to save these results under:\"; send \"out \"; expect \"Enter
a unique name to describe this test run / configuration:\"; send -- \"unique\r\";
expect \"New Description:\"; send \"\r\"; expect \"Would you like to upload
the results to (Y/n):\"; send \"n\r\"; interact;"', register: streamoutput,
become: true}
- {debug: 'msg="{{ streamoutput.stdout }}"'}
- {name: Run iozone, command: 'expect -c "spawn phoronix-test-suite run-test iozone;
expect \"Record Size:\"; send \"2 \"; expect \"File Size:\"; send \"2 \"; expect
\"Disk Test:\"; send \"3 \"; expect \"\(Y/n\):\"; send -- \"y\r\"; expect \"Enter
a name to save these results under:\"; send \"out \"; expect \"Enter a unique
name to describe this test run / configuration:\"; send -- \"unique\r\"; expect
\"New Description:\"; send \"\r\"; expect \"Would you like to upload the results
to (Y/n):\"; send \"n\r\"; interact;"', register: iozoneoutput,
become: true}
- {name: Get stream results, command: phoronix-test-suite result-file-to-csv out,
register: streamoutput, become: true}
- {debug: 'msg="{{ streamoutput.stdout }}"'}
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