Commit dff944f8 authored by Spiros Koulouzis's avatar Spiros Koulouzis

added isServiceUp

parent b5b5f7bb
......@@ -150,12 +150,15 @@ public class CloudStormServiceTest {
public void testWriteCloudStormTopologyFiles() throws Exception {
if (ToscaHelper.isServiceUp(sureToscaBasePath)) {
CloudStormService instance = getService(messageExampleProvisioneRequestFilePath);
Map<String, Object> result = instance.writeCloudStormTopologyFiles(tempInputDirPath);
* Test of buildSSHKeyPair method, of class CloudStormService.
......@@ -163,6 +166,7 @@ public class CloudStormServiceTest {
public void testBuildSSHKeyPair() throws Exception {
if (ToscaHelper.isServiceUp(sureToscaBasePath)) {
CloudStormService instance = getService(messageExampleProvisioneRequestFilePath);
......@@ -181,7 +185,7 @@ public class CloudStormServiceTest {
userPrivateName = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(userPublicKeyName);
assertTrue(new File(tempInputDirPath + File.separator + userPrivateName).exists());
assertTrue(new File(tempInputDirPath + File.separator + userPublicKeyName).exists());
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