Commit 9197f050 authored by Spiros Koulouzis's avatar Spiros Koulouzis

fixed hyperleger inventory

parent 461fd918
......@@ -65,17 +65,22 @@ class AnsibleService:
arguments = '["-u","vm_user"]'
if playbook_name == '013.mount_fs.yml':
master_ip = next(iter(
inventory_dict['all']['children']['swarm_manager_prime']['hosts'])) # outputs 'foo'
arguments = '["-u","vm_user","--extra-vars","gluster_cluster_host0=\'' + master_ip + '\' gluster_cluster_volume=\'gfs0\'"]'
task_id = self.run_task(name, project_id, key_id, git_url, inventory_id, playbook_name,
environment_id=environment_id, arguments=arguments)
if self.semaphore_helper.get_task(project_id, task_id).status != 'success':
msg = ' '
for out in self.semaphore_helper.get_task_outputs(project_id, task_id):
msg = msg + ' ' + out.output
raise Exception(
'Task: ' + playbook_name + ' failed. ' + self.semaphore_helper.get_task(project_id,
task_id).status + ' Output: ' + msg)
count = 0
while self.semaphore_helper.get_task(project_id, task_id).status != 'success':
task_id = self.run_task(name, project_id, key_id, git_url, inventory_id, playbook_name,
environment_id=environment_id, arguments=arguments)
count += 1
if count >= 3:
msg = ' '
for out in self.semaphore_helper.get_task_outputs(project_id, task_id):
msg = msg + ' ' + out.output
raise Exception(
'Task: ' + playbook_name + ' failed. ' + self.semaphore_helper.get_task(project_id,
task_id).status + ' Output: ' + msg)
tasks_outputs[task_id] = self.semaphore_helper.get_task_outputs(project_id, task_id)
......@@ -202,26 +207,25 @@ class AnsibleService:
elif attributes['role'] == 'worker':
public_ip = attributes['public_ip']
# vars['ansible_host'] = public_ip
for role in roles:
if role not in children:
hosts = {}
hosts = children[role]
if 'hosts' in hosts:
# if attributes['role'] == 'master':
hosts['hosts'] = {public_ip: vars}
# if role == 'swarm_manager_prime' or role == 'swarm_managers':
# hosts['hosts'] = {'fabric-manager': vars}
# else:
# hosts['hosts'] = {public_ip: vars}
# hosts['hosts'] = {'fabric-worker': vars}
hosts['hosts'] = {public_ip: vars}
host = {}
host[public_ip] = vars
# if role == 'swarm_manager_prime':
# host['fabric-manager'] = vars
# elif role == 'swarm_managers':
# host['fabric-manager'] = {}
# if role == 'swarm_manager_prime' or role == 'swarm_managers':
# host = {'fabric-manager': vars}
# else:
# host['fabric-worker'] = vars
# host = {'fabric-worker': vars}
hosts['hosts'] = host
children[role] = hosts
all['children'] = children
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