Commit 7cac1807 authored by Spiros Koulouzis's avatar Spiros Koulouzis

Fixed planner to work with new tosca file

Added drip-kb
parent 3f57da61
...@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection; ...@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection;
import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory; import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory;
import com.rabbitmq.client.DefaultConsumer; import com.rabbitmq.client.DefaultConsumer;
import com.rabbitmq.client.Envelope; import com.rabbitmq.client.Envelope;
import; import;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; import java.util.List;
/* Knowledge bus basic (JSON-only) implementation.
* Paul Martin, 2/2/17.
:- use_module(library(http/http_unix_daemon)).
:- use_module(library('http/thread_httpd')).
:- use_module(library('http/http_dispatch')).
:- use_module(library('http/http_json')).
:- use_module(library('http/http_header')).
:- use_module(library('http/http_client')).
:- use_module(library('http/html_write')).
:- initialization http_daemon.
/* Servlet structure:
/ : landing page for the knowledge base.
/profiles : landing page for the information profile collection.
GET : retrieve a JSON catalogue of all information profiles.
POST : upload a JSON information profile; returns the identifier in JSON format.
DELETE : purge the knowledge base.
/profiles/{id} : landing page for a specific information profile.
GET : retrieve the information profile in JSON format.
PUT : replace the information profile with another JSON description.
DELETE : remove the information profile from the knowledge base. */
% The handler predicates for the different facets of the servlet.
:- http_handler(root(.), drip_handler, []).
:- http_handler(root('profiles'), profiles_handler, []).
% info_profile(?Key, ?Type, ?Dict)---describes an information profile as a dictionary.
% ?Key---a unique UUID.
% ?Type---the kind of profile: adaptation, application, cloud, component, control, infrastructure, monitoring.
% ?Dict---a dictionary generated by json_write_dict/2.
dynamic info_profile/3.
% server(+Port)---initialises the HTTP server.
% +Port---the port via which the server can be accessed.
server(Port) :-
http_server(http_dispatch, [port(Port)]).
% drip_handler(+Request)---handles requests to the root of the servlet.
% +Request---a HTTP request.
drip_handler(_) :-
reply_html_page( title('DRIP knowledge base'),
[ h1('DRIP knowledge base'),
p('A simple knowledge base for storing information objects needed by the DRIP system.') ] ).
% profile_list_handler(+Request)---handles requests to the profiles collection facet of the servlet.
% +Request---a HTTP request.
profiles_handler(Request) :-
% If a POST request is received...
memberchk(method(post), Request), !,
( http_read_json_dict(Request, Dict)
throw( http_reply(bad_request("No content type info: should be 'application/json'.")) )
( info_type(Type, Dict),
assert( info_profile(Key, Type, Dict) )
throw( http_reply(server_error("Unable to modify knowledge base!")) )
( atom_concat('profiles/', Key, Location),
http_handler(root(Location), profile_handler(Key), [])
throw( http_reply(server_error("Unable to create resource page for profile.")) )
dict_create(Reply, _, [identifier(Key)]),
reply_json_dict(Reply, [status(201)]).
profiles_handler(Request) :-
% If a DELETE request is received...
memberchk(method(delete), Request), !,
retractall(info_profile(_, _, _)),
format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'),
format('All information profiles deleted.').
profiles_handler(Request) :-
% If a GET request is received...
memberchk(method(get), Request), !,
catch( findall(Key, info_profile(Key, _, _), Keys), _, Keys = [] ),
dict_create(Reply, _, [identifiers(Keys)]),
profiles_handler(_) :-
% Otherwise report an error.
format('Status: 403~n'),
format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'),
format('This request is not permitted for the URL given.').
% profile_handler(+Key, +Request)---handles requests regarding individual profiles.
% +Key---a UUID for a profile.
% +Request---a HTTP request.
profile_handler(Key, Request) :-
% If a PUT request is received...
memberchk(method(put), Request), !,
catch( info_profile(Key, Type, Dict), _, throw( http_reply(server_error("The information associated with this UUID appears to be missing.")) ) ),
( http_read_json_dict(Request, NewDict)
throw( http_reply(bad_request("No content type info: should be 'application/json'.")) )
( retract( info_profile(Key, Type, Dict) ),
assert( info_profile(Key, Type, NewDict) )
throw( http_reply(server_error("Unable to modify knowledge base!")) )
dict_create(Reply, _, [identifier(Key)]),
profile_handler(Key, Request) :-
% If a GET request is received...
memberchk(method(get), Request), !,
catch( info_profile(Key, _, Dict), _, throw( http_reply(server_error("The information associated with this UUID appears to be missing.")) ) ),
profile_handler(Key, Request) :-
% If a DELETE request is received...
memberchk(method(delete), Request), !,
catch( info_profile(Key, Type, Dict), _, throw( http_reply(server_error("The information associated with this UUID appears to be missing.")) ) ),
( retract( info_profile(Key, Type, Dict) )
throw( http_reply(not_modified("Unable to modify knowledge base!")) )
atom_concat('profiles/', Key, Location),
format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'),
format('The information profile with UUID ~q has been deleted.', [Key]).
profile_handler(Key, Request) :-
% If a POST request is received...
member(method(post), Request), !,
format('Status: 409~n'),
format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'),
format('Profile with UUID ~q already exists (use PUT to update an existing profile, or POST to ./profiles to generate a new profile with a new UUID).', [Key]).
profile_handler(_, _) :-
% Otherwise report an error.
format('Status: 403~n'),
format('Content-type: text/plain~n~n'),
format('This request is not permitted for the URL given.').
% info_type(?Type, +Dict)---determines if a given profile is of a given type.
% ?Type---the type of the profile.
% +Dict---the dictionary describing the profile.
info_type(adaptation, Dict) :- _ = Dict.get('adaptation profile').
info_type(application, Dict) :- _ = Dict.get('application profile').
info_type(cloud, Dict) :- _ = Dict.get('cloud profile').
info_type(component, Dict) :- _ = Dict.get('component profile').
info_type(control, Dict) :- _ = Dict.get('control profile').
info_type(infrastructure, Dict) :- _ = Dict.get('infrastructure profile').
info_type(monitoring, Dict) :- _ = Dict.get('monitoring profile').
info_type(misc, _).
%:- server(8080).
...@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ import json ...@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ import json
#connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='')) connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host=''))
#channel = channel =
#channel.queue_declare(queue='planner_queue') channel.queue_declare(queue='planner_queue')
...@@ -44,19 +44,12 @@ def handleDelivery(message): ...@@ -44,19 +44,12 @@ def handleDelivery(message):
gr = gr =
deadline = int(gr) deadline = int(gr)
#if json[j]['type'] == "Switch.nodes.Application.Container.Docker.MOG_ProxyTranscoder" or json[j]['type']== "Switch.nodes.Application.Container.Docker.MOG_InputDistributor":
#response_time = json1[j]['properties']['QoS']['response_time']
#reg_ex ='\d+', response_time)
#gr =;
#deadline = int(gr)
#get the nodes from the json #get the nodes from the json
nodeDic = {} nodeDic = {}
nodeDic1 = {} nodeDic1 = {}
i = 1 i = 1
for j in json1: for j in json1:
if not json1[j]['type'] == "Switch.nodes.Application.Connection": if "Switch.nodes.Application.Container.Docker." in json1[j]['type']:
#print j, json1[j]
nodeDic[j] = i nodeDic[j] = i
nodeDic1[i] = j nodeDic1[i] = j
i = i + 1 i = i + 1
...@@ -65,8 +58,6 @@ def handleDelivery(message): ...@@ -65,8 +58,6 @@ def handleDelivery(message):
links = [] links = []
for j in json1: for j in json1:
if json1[j]['type'] == "Switch.nodes.Application.Connection": if json1[j]['type'] == "Switch.nodes.Application.Connection":
#print json1[j]['properties']['source']['component_name']
#print json1[j]['properties']['target']['component_name']
link= {} link= {}
link['source'] = nodeDic[json1[j]['properties']['source']['component_name']] link['source'] = nodeDic[json1[j]['properties']['source']['component_name']]
link['target'] = nodeDic[json1[j]['properties']['target']['component_name']] link['target'] = nodeDic[json1[j]['properties']['target']['component_name']]
...@@ -115,14 +106,32 @@ def handleDelivery(message): ...@@ -115,14 +106,32 @@ def handleDelivery(message):
current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000)) current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
outcontent["creationDate"] = current_milli_time() outcontent["creationDate"] = current_milli_time()
outcontent["parameters"] = [] outcontent["parameters"] = []
for key, value in sorted_nodeDic: for key, value in sorted_nodeDic:
if "docker_image." not in json1[nodeDic1[value]].get('artifacts'):
keys = json1[nodeDic1[value]].get('artifacts').keys()
for k in keys:
docker = json1[nodeDic1[value]].get('artifacts').get(k).get('file')
par = {} par = {}
res1 = {} res1 = {}
par["url"] = "null" par["url"] = "null"
par["encoding"] = "UTF-8" par["encoding"] = "UTF-8"
docker = json1[nodeDic1[value]].get('artifacts').get('docker_image').get('file')
name = str(nodeDic1[value]) name = str(nodeDic1[value])
#print("Name: %s Docker: %s" % (name, docker)) res1["name"] = str(nodeDic1[value])
res1["size"] = res[str(value)]
res1["docker"] = str(docker)
par["value"] = res1
par["attributes"] = "null"
##print ("Parameter: %s" % par)
for key, value in sorted_nodeDic:
par = {}
res1 = {}
par["url"] = "null"
par["encoding"] = "UTF-8"
name = str(nodeDic1[value])
docker = json1[nodeDic1[value]].get('artifacts').get('docker_image').get('file')
res1["name"] = str(nodeDic1[value]) res1["name"] = str(nodeDic1[value])
res1["size"] = res[str(value)] res1["size"] = res[str(value)]
res1["docker"] = str(docker) res1["docker"] = str(docker)
...@@ -131,7 +140,7 @@ def handleDelivery(message): ...@@ -131,7 +140,7 @@ def handleDelivery(message):
##print ("Parameter: %s" % par) ##print ("Parameter: %s" % par)
outcontent["parameters"].append(par) outcontent["parameters"].append(par)
#print ("Output message: %s" % outcontent) print ("Output message: %s" % outcontent)
return outcontent return outcontent
...@@ -145,13 +154,13 @@ def on_request(ch, method, props, body): ...@@ -145,13 +154,13 @@ def on_request(ch, method, props, body):
body=str(response)) body=str(response))
ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method.delivery_tag) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag = method.delivery_tag)
#channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1) channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1)
#channel.basic_consume(on_request, queue='planner_queue') channel.basic_consume(on_request, queue='planner_queue')
#print(" [x] Awaiting RPC requests") print(" [x] Awaiting RPC requests")
#channel.start_consuming() channel.start_consuming()
f = open("../doc/json_samples/plannerInput2.json","r") #f = open("../doc/json_samples/plannerInput2.json","r")
response = handleDelivery(body) #response = handleDelivery(body)
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