Commit 66a87ceb authored by skoulouzis's avatar skoulouzis


parents 478c799f e7823355
mkdir build
cd drip-api
mvn install
tar -czvf drip-api-1.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz target/drip-api-1.0-SNAPSHOT
mv drip-api-1.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz ../build
cd ../
tar -czvf drip-deployer.tar.gz drip-deployer
mv drip-deployer.tar.gz build
tar -czvf drip-planner.tar.gz drip-planner
mv drip-planner.tar.gz build
cd drip-provisioner/
mvn install
mv target/drip-provisioner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar ../build
cd ../
mv etc.tar.gz build
publicKeyPath: ""
userName: "vm_user"
- topology: "exogeni-level-1"
cloudProvider: "ExoGENI"
domain: "RENCI (Chapel Hill, NC USA) XO Rack"
status: "fresh"
tag: "fixed"
statusInfo: null
copyOf: null
sshKeyPairId: null
connections: null
subnets: null
- name: "nodeA"
type: "switch/compute"
nodeType: "XOMedium"
OStype: "Ubuntu 14.04"
script: null
role: null
dockers: null
publicAddress: null
ethernetPort: null
VMResourceID: null
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