Commit 5e833577 authored by Spiros Koulouzis's avatar Spiros Koulouzis

added get_input_tosca_file_path and run test

parent c24f404d
......@@ -14,21 +14,48 @@ from planner.planner import Planner
from service.spec_service import SpecService
from util import tosca_helper
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_planner(self):
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def test_only_docker_node(self):
file_name = 'application_example_updated.yaml'
input_tosca_file_path = self.get_input_tosca_file_path(file_name)
# def test_planner(self):
# conf = {'url': "http://host"}
# spec_service = SpecService(conf)
# test_planner = Planner(input_tosca_file_path, spec_service)
# test_tosca_template = test_planner.resolve_requirements()
# test_tosca_template = test_planner.set_infrastructure_specifications()
# template_dict = tosca_helper.get_tosca_template_2_topology_template_dictionary(test_tosca_template)
#"template ----: \n" + yaml.dump(template_dict))
# ToscaTemplate(yaml_dict_tpl=copy.deepcopy(template_dict))
# test_response = {'toscaTemplate': template_dict}
# response = {'toscaTemplate': template_dict}
# output_current_milli_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# response["creationDate"] = output_current_milli_time
# response["parameters"] = []
# print("Output message:" + json.dumps(response))
# self.assertEqual(True, True)
def get_input_tosca_file_path(self, file_name):
tosca_path = "../../TOSCA/"
input_tosca_file_path = tosca_path + '/application_example_updated.yaml'
input_tosca_file_path = tosca_path + file_name
if not os.path.exists(input_tosca_file_path):
tosca_path = "../TOSCA/"
input_tosca_file_path = tosca_path + '/application_example_updated.yaml'
input_tosca_file_path = tosca_path + file_name
self.assertEqual(True, os.path.exists(input_tosca_file_path),
"Input TOSCA file: " + input_tosca_file_path + " not found")
return input_tosca_file_path
def run_test(self, input_tosca_file_path):
conf = {'url': "http://host"}
spec_service = SpecService(conf)
test_planner = Planner(input_tosca_file_path, spec_service)
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