Commit 3b41ac2a authored by Spiros Koulouzis's avatar Spiros Koulouzis

check if input is tosca create warning and parse as yml

parent 0e20afdd
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import tempfile
import time
import json
from transformer.docker_compose_transformer import *
from os.path import expanduser
......@@ -69,12 +70,14 @@ def handle_delivery(message):
return "response"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print sys.argv
channel = init_chanel(sys.argv)
global queue_name
queue_name = sys.argv[2]
home = expanduser("~")
transformer = DockerComposeTransformer(home+"/workspace/DRIP/docs/input_tosca_files/MOG_cardif.yml")
# print sys.argv
# channel = init_chanel(sys.argv)
# global queue_name
# queue_name = sys.argv[2]
# start(channel)
# try:
## for node in tosca.nodetemplates:
## print "Name %s Type: %s " %(,node.type)
......@@ -6,55 +6,104 @@ import toscaparser.utils.yamlparser
class DockerComposeTransformer:
def __init__(self, tosca_file_path):
yaml_dict_tpl = toscaparser.utils.yamlparser.load_yaml(tosca_file_path) = ToscaTemplate(path=None, yaml_dict_tpl=yaml_dict_tpl)
self.yaml_dict_tpl = toscaparser.utils.yamlparser.load_yaml(tosca_file_path)
self.errors =[]
self.wornings = [] = None
try: = ToscaTemplate(path=None, yaml_dict_tpl=self.yaml_dict_tpl)
self.wornings.append("Not a valid tosca file")
self.DOCKER_TYPE = 'Switch.nodes.Application.Container.Docker'
def getnerate_compose(self):
def analyze_yaml(self):
node_types = self.yaml_dict_tpl['node_types']
docker_types = []
for node_type_key in node_types:
if node_types[node_type_key] and 'derived_from' in node_types[node_type_key].keys():
if node_types[node_type_key]['derived_from'] == self.DOCKER_TYPE:
node_templates = self.yaml_dict_tpl['topology_template']['node_templates']
services = {}
for node_template_key in node_templates:
# print node_templates[node_template_key]
for docker_type in docker_types:
if docker_type in node_templates[node_template_key]['type']:
if 'artifacts' in node_templates[node_template_key]:
artifacts = node_templates[node_template_key]['artifacts']
key = next(iter(artifacts))
docker_file = artifacts[key]['file']
services['name'] = docker_file
services['image'] = docker_file
services['id'] = node_template_key
if 'properties' in node_templates[node_template_key]:
properties = node_templates[node_template_key]['properties']
environment = []
for prop in properties:
if not isinstance(properties[prop],dict):
services['environment'] = environment
if 'ports_mapping' in properties:
ports_mappings = properties['ports_mapping']
key = next(iter(ports_mappings))
host_port = ports_mappings[key]['host_port']
if not isinstance(host_port, (int, long, float, complex)):
host_port_var = host_port.replace('${','').replace('}','')
host_port = properties[host_port_var]
container_port = ports_mappings[key]['container_port']
if not isinstance(container_port, (int, long, float, complex)):
container_port_var = container_port.replace('${','').replace('}','')
container_port = properties[container_port_var]
ports = []
services['ports'] = ports
print services
def analize_tosca():
dockers = []
print dir(
print dir(
print dir(
print dir(
print dir(
print dir(
print dir(
# print dir(
# print dir(
# print dir(
# print dir(
# print dir(
# print dir(
# print dir(
for node in
if node.parent_type.type == self.DOCKER_TYPE:
print "Name %s Type: %s Parent: %s" %(,node.type,node.parent_type.type)
# topology_template = parsed_json_value['topology_template']
# node_templates = topology_template["node_templates"]
# response = {}
# current_milli_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000))
# response["creationDate"] = current_milli_time()
# response["parameters"] = []
# for nodes in node_templates:
# if "Switch.nodes.Application.Container.Docker." in node_templates[nodes]['type']:
# node_keys = node_templates[nodes].keys()
# if 'artifacts' in node_keys:
# artifact_key = next(iter(node_templates[nodes]['artifacts']))
# artifact_keys = node_templates[nodes]['artifacts'][artifact_key].keys()
# if 'file' in artifact_keys:
# docker = node_templates[nodes]['artifacts'][artifact_key]['file']
# elif 'docker_image' in artifact_keys:
# docker = node_templates[nodes]['artifacts']['docker_image']['file']
# result = {}
# parameter = {}
# result['name'] = nodes
# result['size'] = 'Medium'
# result['docker'] = docker
# parameter['value'] = str(json.dumps(result))
# parameter['attributes'] = 'null'
# parameter["url"] = "null"
# parameter["encoding"] = "UTF-8"
# response["parameters"].append(parameter)
# print ("Output message: %s" % json.dumps(response))
# return json.dumps(response)
\ No newline at end of file
# dockers.append(node)
# print dir(node)
print "Name %s Type: %s" %(,node.type)
service = {}
service['name'] = node.type
# print dir(node.get_properties_objects())
# for prop_obj in node.get_properties_objects():
# print dir(prop_obj)
# print "Name %s Type: %s Val: %s" %(,prop_obj.type,prop_obj.value)
# print (node.templates.keys())
docker_file = ""
for temp in node.templates:
print "\t template: %s" %(temp)
if 'artifacts' in node.templates[temp]:
key = next(iter(node.templates[temp]['artifacts']))
if 'file' in node.templates[temp]['artifacts'][key]:
docker_file = node.templates[temp]['artifacts'][key]['file']
print "\t\tdocker_file: %s"%(docker_file)
if docker_file:
container_name = docker_file.split("/")[1]
if ':' in container_name:
container_name = container_name.split(':')[0]
# print container_name
service ['container_name'] = container_name
# print "Name %s Type: %s Val: %s" %(,prop_obj.type,prop_obj.value)
# service ['container_name'] =
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