Commit 11d83af3 authored by Spiros Koulouzis's avatar Spiros Koulouzis

fixed error with deserialize_model. from_dict was not creating correct model

parent bde03643
......@@ -117,14 +117,22 @@ services:
#- rabbit
#- sure-tosca
#image: alogo53/provisioner:3.0.0
#SURE_TOSCA_BASE_PATH: http://sure-tosca:8081/tosca-sure/1.0.0
- rabbit
- sure-tosca
image: alogo53/provisioner:3.0.0
SURE_TOSCA_BASE_PATH: http://sure-tosca:8081/tosca-sure/1.0.0
- rabbit
- sure-tosca
image: alogo53/deployer:3.0.0
import connexion
import six
from sure_tosca.models.node_template import NodeTemplateModel # noqa: E501
from sure_tosca.models.topology_template import TopologyTemplateModel # noqa: E501
from sure_tosca.models.tosca_template import ToscaTemplateModel # noqa: E501
from sure_tosca import util
from sure_tosca.service import tosca_template_service
def get_all_ancestor_properties(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
Recursively get all requirements all the way to the ROOT including the input node's # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: List[Dict[str, object]]
res = tosca_template_service.get_all_ancestor_properties(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_all_ancestor_types(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
Recursively get all requirements all the way to the ROOT including the input node's # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: List[str]
res = tosca_template_service.get_all_ancestor_types(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_ancestors_requirements(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
Recursively get all requirements all the way to the ROOT including the input node's # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: Dict[str, object]
res = tosca_template_service.get_all_ancestors_requirements(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_default_interface(id, interface_type, instance_name, operation_name): # noqa: E501
returns an interface instance with the default required values. # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param interface_type: type to instantiate
:type interface_type: str
:param instance_name: the name of the instance to retrun
:type instance_name: str
:param operation_name: the name of operation
:type operation_name: str
:rtype: Dict[str, object]
res = tosca_template_service.get_default_interface(id, interface_type, instance_name, operation_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_default_node_type(id, node_type, instance_name): # noqa: E501
returns an node templaye instance with the default required values. # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_type: type to instantiate
:type node_type: str
:param instance_name: the name of tghe instance to retrun
:type instance_name: str
:rtype: NodeTemplateMap
return 'do some magic!'
def get_dsl_definitions(id, anchors=None, derived_from=None): # noqa: E501
returns the interface types # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param anchors: the anchors the definition is for
:type anchors: List[str]
:param derived_from: derived from
:type derived_from: str
:rtype: List[Dict[str, object]]
res = tosca_template_service.get_tosca_template_model_by_id(id).dsl_definitions
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_imports(id): # noqa: E501
returns the interface types # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:rtype: List[Dict[str, object]]
res = tosca_template_service.get_tosca_template_model_by_id(id).imports
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_node_outputs(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
s # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: Dict[str, object]
res = tosca_template_service.get_node_outputs(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_node_properties(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
s # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: Dict[str, object]
res = tosca_template_service.get_node_properties(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_node_requirements(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
Returns the requirements for an input node as described in the template not in the node's definition # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: Dict[str, object]
res = tosca_template_service.get_node_requirements(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_node_templates(id, type_name=None, node_name=None, has_interfaces=None, has_properties=None,
has_attributes=None, has_requirements=None, has_capabilities=None,
has_artifacts=None): # noqa: E501
returns nodes templates in topology # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param type_name: The type
:type type_name: str
:param node_name: the name
:type node_name: str
:param has_interfaces: filter if has interfaces
:type has_interfaces: bool
:param has_properties: filter if has properties
:type has_properties: bool
:param has_attributes: filter if has attributes
:type has_attributes: bool
:param has_requirements: filter if has requirements
:type has_requirements: bool
:param has_capabilities: filter if has capabilities
:type has_capabilities: bool
:param has_artifacts: filter if has artifacts
:type has_artifacts: bool
:rtype: List[NodeTemplateMap]
res = tosca_template_service.get_node_templates(id, type_name=type_name, node_name=node_name,
has_interfaces=has_interfaces, has_properties=has_properties,
has_attributes=has_attributes, has_requirements=has_requirements,
has_capabilities=has_capabilities, has_artifacts=has_artifacts)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_node_type_name(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
# noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: str
res = tosca_template_service.get_node_type_name(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_parent_type_name(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
# noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: str
res = tosca_template_service.get_parent_type_name(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_related_nodes(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
s # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: List[NodeTemplateMap]
res = tosca_template_service.get_related_nodes(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_relationship_templates(id, type_name=None, derived_from=None): # noqa: E501
returns the interface types # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param type_name: The relationship type
:type type_name: str
:param derived_from: derived from
:type derived_from: str
:rtype: List[Dict[str, object]]
res = tosca_template_service.get_relationship_templates(id, type_name=type_name, derived_from=derived_from)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_topology_template(id): # noqa: E501
r # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:rtype: TopologyTemplateModel
res = tosca_template_service.get_tosca_template_model_by_id(id).topology_template
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_tosca_template(id): # noqa: E501
# noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:rtype: ToscaTemplateModel
res = tosca_template_service.get_tosca_template_model_by_id(id)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def get_types(id, kind_of_type=None, has_interfaces=None, type_name=None, has_properties=None, has_attributes=None,
has_requirements=None, has_capabilities=None, has_artifacts=None, derived_from=None): # noqa: E501
returns the interface types # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param kind_of_type: the type we are looking for e.g. capability_types, artifact_types. etc.
:type kind_of_type: str
:param has_interfaces: filter if has interfaces
:type has_interfaces: bool
:param type_name: The relationship type
:type type_name: str
:param has_properties: filter if has properties
:type has_properties: bool
:param has_attributes: filter if has attributes
:type has_attributes: bool
:param has_requirements: filter if has requirements
:type has_requirements: bool
:param has_capabilities: filter if has capabilities
:type has_capabilities: bool
:param has_artifacts: filter if has artifacts
:type has_artifacts: bool
:param derived_from: derived from
:type derived_from: str
:rtype: List[Dict[str, object]]
res = tosca_template_service.get_types(id, kind_of_type=kind_of_type, has_interfaces=has_interfaces,
type_name=type_name, has_properties=has_properties,
has_attributes=has_attributes, has_requirements=has_requirements,
has_capabilities=has_capabilities, has_artifacts=has_artifacts,
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def set_node_properties(id, properties, node_name): # noqa: E501
s # noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param properties:
:type properties:
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: NodeTemplateModel
res = tosca_template_service.set_node_properties(id, properties, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def upload_tosca_template(file): # noqa: E501
"""upload a tosca template description file
upload and validate a tosca template description file # noqa: E501
:param file: tosca Template description
:type file: werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage
:rtype: str
res =
if res:
return res
return 'Bad Request', 400
def set_node_attributes(id, properties, node_name): # noqa: E501
# noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param properties:
:type properties:
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: str
return 'do some magic!'
def get_node_attributes(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
# noqa: E501
:param id: ID of topolog template uplodaed
:type id: str
:param node_name: node_name
:type node_name: str
:rtype: Dict[str, object]
res = tosca_template_service.get_node_attributes(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
......@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ def set_node_properties(id, properties, node_name): # noqa: E501
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
def upload_tosca_template(file): # noqa: E501
"""upload a tosca template description file
......@@ -441,4 +441,4 @@ def get_node_attributes(id, node_name): # noqa: E501
res = tosca_template_service.get_node_attributes(id, node_name)
if res:
return res
return 'Not Found', 404
return 'Not Found', 404
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......@@ -293,7 +293,4 @@ def get_node_template_dict(node_template):
# print(dir(node_template))
# print(node_template.templates)
return node_template_dict
return node_template_dict
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......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ root_key = 'root_key'
def query_db(queries, db=None):
results = db.all()
if queries:
query = reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, queries)
results =
......@@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ def get_node_templates(id, type_name=None, node_name=None, has_interfaces=None,
prop = None
queries.append(query.artifacts != prop)
query_results = query_db(queries, db=node_template_db)
return change_to_node_template_model(query_results)
......@@ -478,4 +480,4 @@ def get_default_interface(id, interface_type, instance_name, operation_name):
instance_inputs = {'inputs': instance_inputs_list}
operation = {operation_name: instance_inputs}
instance = {instance_name: operation}
return instance
return instance
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......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ class TestDefaultController(BaseTestCase):
self.assertIsInstance(response.json, list)
def test_get_all_ancestor_types(self):
"""Test case for get_all_ancestor_types
......@@ -402,4 +401,4 @@ class TestDefaultController(BaseTestCase):
if __name__ == '__main__':
import unittest
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......@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ def deserialize_datetime(string):
except ImportError:
return string
def deserialize_model(data, klass):
"""Deserializes list or dict to model.
......@@ -104,14 +103,39 @@ def deserialize_model(data, klass):
return data
for attr, attr_type in six.iteritems(instance.swagger_types):
if data is not None \
and instance.attribute_map[attr] in data \
and isinstance(data, (list, dict)):
value = data[instance.attribute_map[attr]]
if data is not None and isinstance(data, (list, dict)):
value = None
if instance.attribute_map[attr] in data:
value = data[instance.attribute_map[attr]]
elif attr in data:
value = data[attr]
setattr(instance, attr, _deserialize(value, attr_type))
return instance
# def deserialize_model(data, klass):
# """Deserializes list or dict to model.
# :param data: dict, list.
# :type data: dict | list
# :param klass: class literal.
# :return: model object.
# """
# instance = klass()
# if not instance.swagger_types:
# return data
# for attr, attr_type in six.iteritems(instance.swagger_types):
# if data is not None \
# and instance.attribute_map[attr] in data \
# and isinstance(data, (list, dict)):
# value = data[instance.attribute_map[attr]]
# setattr(instance, attr, _deserialize(value, attr_type))
# return instance
def _deserialize_list(data, boxed_type):
"""Deserializes a list and its elements.
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