CXXFLAGS = -Wall -pipe -std=gnu++98 LDFLAGS = CXX_CLANG := $(shell $(CXX) --version 2>/dev/null | grep clang) ifeq "$(findstring debug, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" "debug" CXXFLAGS += -O0 -g else ifeq "$(CXX_CLANG)" "" CXXFLAGS += -O4 ifneq "$(findstring noomp, $(MAKECMDGOALS))" "noomp" CXXFLAGS += -fopenmp LDFLAGS += -fopenmp endif else CXXFLAGS += -O3 endif endif ################################################## # General file dependencies ################################################## HEADERS := $(shell find src -name "*.h") SOURCES := $(shell find src -name "*.cpp") # Only one main SOURCES := $(filter-out src/Informatter.cpp,$(SOURCES)) OBJECTS := $(SOURCES:src/%.cpp=build/Infomap/%.o) ################################################## # Stand-alone C++ targets ################################################## INFORMATTER_OBJECTS = $(OBJECTS:Infomap.o=Informatter.o) .PHONY: noomp test debug Infomap: $(OBJECTS) @echo "Linking object files to target $@..." $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ @echo "-- Link finished --" Infomap-formatter: $(INFORMATTER_OBJECTS) @echo "Making Informatter..." $(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ ## Generic compilation rule for object files from cpp files build/Infomap/%.o : src/%.cpp $(HEADERS) Makefile @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $< -o $@ noomp: Infomap @true debug: Infomap @true ################################################## # JavaScript through Emscripten ################################################## .PHONY: js js-worker js: build/js/Infomap.js @echo "Built $^" js-worker: build/js/Infomap-worker.js @echo "Built $^" # em++ -O0 -s PROXY_TO_WORKER=1 -s PROXY_TO_WORKER_FILENAME='Infomap.js' -o Infomap.js $^ # em++ -O0 -s PROXY_TO_WORKER=1 -s EXPORT_NAME='Infomap' -s MODULARIZE=1 -o Infomap.js $^ build/js/Infomap-worker.js: $(SOURCES) @echo "Compiling Infomap to run in a worker in the browser..." @mkdir -p $(dir $@) em++ -O0 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 --pre-js interfaces/js/pre-worker-module.js -o build/js/Infomap-worker.js $^ build/js/Infomap.js: $(SOURCES) @echo "Compiling Infomap for Node.js..." @mkdir -p $(dir $@) em++ -O0 -o build/js/Infomap.js $^ ################################################## # Static C++ library ################################################## # Use separate object files to compile with definitions # NS_INFOMAP: Wrap code in namespace infomap # AS_LIB: Skip main function LIB_DIR = build/lib LIB_HEADERS := $(HEADERS:src/%.h=include/%.h) LIB_OBJECTS := $(SOURCES:src/%.cpp=build/lib/%.o) .PHONY: lib lib: lib/libInfomap.a $(LIB_HEADERS) @echo "Wrote static library to lib/ and headers to include/" lib/libInfomap.a: $(LIB_OBJECTS) Makefile @echo "Creating static library..." @mkdir -p lib ar rcs $@ $^ # Rule for $(LIB_HEADERS) include/%.h: src/%.h @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @cp -a $^ $@ # Rule for $(LIB_OBJECTS) build/lib/%.o: src/%.cpp @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -DNS_INFOMAP -DAS_LIB -c $< -o $@ ################################################## # General SWIG helpers ################################################## SWIG_FILES := $(shell find interfaces/swig -name "*.i") ################################################## # Python module ################################################## PY_BUILD_DIR = build/py PY3_BUILD_DIR = build/py3 PY_HEADERS := $(HEADERS:src/%.h=$(PY_BUILD_DIR)/src/%.h) PY_SOURCES := $(SOURCES:src/%.cpp=$(PY_BUILD_DIR)/src/%.cpp) PY3_HEADERS := $(HEADERS:src/%.h=$(PY3_BUILD_DIR)/src/%.h) PY3_SOURCES := $(SOURCES:src/%.cpp=$(PY3_BUILD_DIR)/src/%.cpp) .PHONY: python py-build # Use python distutils to compile the module python: py-build Makefile @cp -a interfaces/python/ $(PY_BUILD_DIR)/ cd $(PY_BUILD_DIR) && python build_ext --inplace @true python3: py3-build Makefile @cp -a interfaces/python/ $(PY3_BUILD_DIR)/ cd $(PY3_BUILD_DIR) && python3 build_ext --inplace @true # Generate wrapper files from source and interface files py-build: $(PY_HEADERS) $(PY_SOURCES) @mkdir -p $(PY_BUILD_DIR) @cp -a $(SWIG_FILES) $(PY_BUILD_DIR)/ swig -c++ -python -outdir $(PY_BUILD_DIR) -o $(PY_BUILD_DIR)/infomap_wrap.cpp $(PY_BUILD_DIR)/Infomap.i py3-build: $(PY3_HEADERS) $(PY3_SOURCES) @mkdir -p $(PY3_BUILD_DIR) @cp -a $(SWIG_FILES) $(PY3_BUILD_DIR)/ swig -c++ -python -py3 -outdir $(PY3_BUILD_DIR) -o $(PY3_BUILD_DIR)/infomap_wrap.cpp $(PY3_BUILD_DIR)/Infomap.i # Rule for $(PY_HEADERS) and $(PY_SOURCES) $(PY_BUILD_DIR)/src/%: src/% @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @cp -a $^ $@ $(PY3_BUILD_DIR)/src/%: src/% @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @cp -a $^ $@ ################################################## # R module ################################################## R_BUILD_DIR = build/R R_HEADERS := $(HEADERS:src/%.h=$(R_BUILD_DIR)/src/%.h) R_SOURCES := $(SOURCES:src/%.cpp=$(R_BUILD_DIR)/src/%.cpp) .PHONY: R R-build # Use R to compile the module R: R-build Makefile cd $(R_BUILD_DIR) && CXX="$(CXX)" PKG_CPPFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS) -DAS_LIB" PKG_LIBS="$(LDFLAGS)" R CMD SHLIB infomap_wrap.cpp $(SOURCES) @true # Generate wrapper files from source and interface files R-build: Makefile $(R_HEADERS) $(R_SOURCES) @mkdir -p $(R_BUILD_DIR) @cp -a $(SWIG_FILES) $(R_BUILD_DIR)/ swig -c++ -r -outdir $(R_BUILD_DIR) -o $(R_BUILD_DIR)/infomap_wrap.cpp $(R_BUILD_DIR)/Infomap.i # Rule for $(R_HEADERS) and $(R_SOURCES) $(R_BUILD_DIR)/src/%: src/% @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @cp -a $^ $@ ################################################## # General ################################################## .PHONY: examples all # Make other language examples examples: Makefile python3 R $(MAKE) -C examples/python python3 $(MAKE) -C examples/R all: Infomap examples @true ################################################## # Docker ################################################## .PHONY: docker-build docker-build: Makefile docker build -t infomap . # docker-run: # docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio infomap \ output ################################################## # Clean ################################################## clean: $(RM) -r Infomap Infomap-formatter build lib include