Commit bd115b86 authored by Alexander Lercher's avatar Alexander Lercher

Added dummy upload for debugging

parent 67bcbc39
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# Dummy Upload
This script pushes all data from the smart energy dataset into our pipeline.
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''' This script adds all data from BitYoga's csv to our pipeline.'''
import csv
import requests
# file to read the data from
CSV_FILE = r'Energy_Dataset.csv'
# token from Rest Gateway to authorize
JWT_TOKEN = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InJlZ3VsYXJAaXRlYy5hYXUuYXQiLCJjcmVhdGVkX2F0IjoiMjAyMC0xMC0wNiAwOTowNzoyMy44MjEyOTciLCJ2YWxpZF91bnRpbCI6IjIwMjAtMTAtMDcgMDk6MDc6MjMuODIxMjk3In0.orqTjn-3J4qMM0kpreWVPkwUEtUcgoqo6wsUFxKCrwg'
def send_transaction_to_rest_gateway(transaction: dict):
res =
url = '',
json = transaction,
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {JWT_TOKEN}"},
verify = False # ignore ssl error
if __name__ == '__main__':
with open(CSV_FILE, 'r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
titles = next(reader)
summ = {}
for row in reader:
transaction = {}
transaction['ApplicationType'] = 'smart-energy-luca'
transaction['docType'] = 'smart-energy-luca'
for idx in range(len(row)):
transaction[titles[idx]] = row[idx]
# if int(transaction['Customer']) < 176:
# # only upload until 200 for now
# continue
# 17520 per customer
cid = transaction["Customer"]
if cid not in summ:
summ[cid] = 0
summ[cid] += 1
sum2 = list(summ)
print([(k, summ[k]) for k in sum2])
# print(sum([v for v in summ.values()]))
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