Commit 7071cb18 authored by Bogdan's avatar Bogdan

added normpath

parent 70bff442
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ except:
target = REPORTS
target = str(target) + f'\\.coverage'
target = os.path.normpath( str(target) + f'/.coverage' )
os.remove(target) #Try to Remove old coverage file, if exists
except Exception as e:
......@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@ print("Combinging coverages")
counter = 0
for path in coverage_paths_set:
path += '\\.coverage'
original = path
path += '/.coverage'
original = os.path.normpath( path )
target = REPORTS
target = str(target) + f'\\.coverage.{counter}'
target = os.path.normpath( str(target) + f'/.coverage.{counter}' )
counter += 1
shutil.copyfile(original,target) #copy new generated coverage files
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