Updated funct for prediction

parent fbc26ebf
......@@ -97,8 +97,12 @@ def load_latest_state():
return restored_state[0]
def make_prediction(input_prediction_data):
with open("processing/"+globals.USE_CASE+"/last_model",'rb') as f:
state = pickle.load(f)
with open("processing/"+globals.USE_CASE+"/last_model",'rb') as f:
state = pickle.load(f)
except Exception as e:
return None
model_for_inference = get_simple_LSTM_model()
......@@ -68,4 +68,4 @@ def start_prediction(use_case, developer_id:int = -1):
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from flask import Response, request
import sys
def check_article(use_case: str):
#body = request.STRING
#TODO Working on it
#FOR USE_CASE {use_case}
#insert body into the trained model
#get the result
result = None #bool True/False
return Response(status=400, response=str(result))
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use_case_path = 'processing/'+use_case+'/'
import main_proc
result = main_proc.start_prediction(use_case)
if result == None:
return Response(status = 404, response="Server doesn't have a trained model. Training of the model should be finished before attempting a prediction.")
return Response(status=200, response=result)
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