This token is used for authentication as _regular user_ on all microservices currently supporting authentication. Therefore the authentication header "```Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9...```" has to be added to the request.
## Blockchain transactions
```POST``` with body:
"ApplicationType": "use-case identifier as string",
"key": "value",
adds a blockchain transaction entry for ApplicationType with all the keys and values. These will be converted and stored in our own format for creating multilayers and communities.
# Business Logic Microservice
This microservice contains use-case specific informations, like schemas and contexts.
## Schema information
```GET{use-case}/schema``` returns all schema mappings for the use-case identifier. The mapping is used to flatten nested input from the blockchain.
## Context information
```GET{use-case}/layers``` returns all layers from the schema used for clustering interally.
# Role Stage Discovery Microservice
This microservice contains the communities based on clusters and similarities between communities.
The endpoints are currently refactored, I will describe them once we are finished and processed data is available.