Commit 28641988 authored by Alexander Lercher's avatar Alexander Lercher

Changed communication from API Gateway

API Gateway -> trace retrievel for every trace containing ApplicationType information
parent 1f7eeae6
......@@ -16,15 +16,5 @@ def receive():
return Response(status=400)
def isBlockchainTraceValid(trace) -> bool:
return 'TransactionId' in trace \
and 'Timestamp' in trace \
and 'ApplicationType' in trace \
and 'TransactionFrom' in trace \
and 'TransactionFromLatLng' in trace \
and 'TransactionTo' in trace \
and 'TransactionToLatLng' in trace \
and 'TransferredAsset' in trace \
and 'ResourceIds' in trace \
and 'ResourceMd5' in trace \
and 'ResourceState' in trace \
and 'Metadata' in trace
# different for every use case, no global schema
return 'ApplicationType' in trace
......@@ -9,41 +9,20 @@ import routes.blockchain_trace as blockchain_trace
class Test_BlockchainTrace(unittest.TestCase):
def _get_valid_input(self):
def _get_min_valid_input(self):
return {
"ApplicationType": "string",
"Metadata": {},
"ResourceIds": "string",
"ResourceMd5": "string",
"ResourceState": "string",
"Timestamp": "2019-08-27T14:00:48.587Z",
"TransactionFrom": "string",
"TransactionFromLatLng": "string",
"TransactionId": "string",
"TransactionTo": "string",
"TransactionToLatLng": "string",
"TransferredAsset": "string"
"ApplicationType": "string"
def test_isBlockchainTraceValid_validInputAndTypes(self):
input = self._get_valid_input()
input = self._get_min_valid_input()
self.assertTrue(blockchain_trace.isBlockchainTraceValid(input), "Trace should be valid")
# def test_isBlockchainTraceValid_invalidMetadataInputType(self):
# input = self._get_valid_input()
# input["Metadata"] = "string"
# self.assertFalse(blockchain_trace.isBlockchainTraceValid(input), "Metadata type should be invalid")
# def test_isBlockchainTraceValid_invalidTransactionFromLatLngInputType(self):
# input = self._get_valid_input()
# input["TransactionFromLatLng"] = ["55.1", "44.1"]
# self.assertFalse(blockchain_trace.isBlockchainTraceValid(input), "TransactionFromLatLng type should be invalid")
def test_isBlockchainTraceValid_emptyInput(self):
input = {}
self.assertFalse(blockchain_trace.isBlockchainTraceValid(input), "Empty input should not be accepted")
def test_isBlockchainTraceValid_missingKeys(self):
def test_isBlockchainTraceValid_additionalKeys(self):
input = {
"ApplicationType": "string",
"Metadata": {},
......@@ -57,7 +36,7 @@ class Test_BlockchainTrace(unittest.TestCase):
"TransactionToLatLng": "string",
"TransferredAsset": "string"
self.assertFalse(blockchain_trace.isBlockchainTraceValid(input), "Input should not be accepted because timestamp is missing")
self.assertTrue(blockchain_trace.isBlockchainTraceValid(input), "Input should be accepted")
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