Commit 16d9711d authored by Bogdan's avatar Bogdan

Refactored part of Connected/Similarity code

parent d24d7dc4
class NodeC:
def __init__(self, cluster_label, node_layer, finished_time, latitude_Destination, longitude_Destination, travelID, travelPrice, uniqueID, userID):
def __init__(self, cluster_label, node_layer, uniqueID):
self.cluster_label = cluster_label
self.node_layer = node_layer
self.finished_time = finished_time
self.latitude_Destination = latitude_Destination
self.longitude_Destination = longitude_Destination
self.travelID = travelID
self.travelPrice = travelPrice
self.uniqueID = uniqueID
self.userID = userID
\ No newline at end of file
self.uniqueID = uniqueID
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class Repository(MongoRepositoryBase):
result = super().insert_many(self._connected_clusters_collection, clusterDictArray)
return result
def get_connected_clusters(self, run_id=None):#, layer_name: str):
def get_connected_clusters(self, run_id: str=None):#, layer_name: str):
''' Get Connected Clusters Data from DB '''
if (run_id == None):
entries = super().get_entries(self._connected_clusters_collection, projection={'_id': 0})
......@@ -115,8 +115,7 @@ class Repository(MongoRepositoryBase):
#super().insert_entry(self._connected_clusters_collection, outputJSON)
return result
def get_similarity(self, run_id=None):
def get_similarity(self, run_id: str=None):
''' Get Similarity Data from DB '''
if (run_id == None):
entries = super().get_entries(self._similarity_collection, projection={'_id': 0})
......@@ -138,12 +137,12 @@ class Repository(MongoRepositoryBase):
result = super().insert_entry(self._connected_run, conRunTimestamp)
return result
def get_connected_run(self, run_id= None):
def get_connected_run(self, run_id: str= None):
''' Get Connected Run Data from DB '''
if (run_id == None):
entries = super().get_entries(self._connected_run)
entries = super().get_entries(self._connected_run, selection={'_id' : run_id})
entries = super().get_entries(self._connected_run, selection={'_id' : run_id}, projection={'_id': 1, 'Datetime': 1})
output = []
for e in entries:
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ def minMaxFunction(iIndex,jIndex,clusterList) -> Dict[str,int]:
for curCluster in clusterList: #jCluster.cluster_layer == iCluster.cluster_layer, so i only compare to one
curLayer = curCluster.cluster_layer
curLabel = curCluster.cluster_label
if(( curLayer != iCluster.cluster_layer)
and ( curCluster.cluster_connClustDict.__contains__(iCluster.cluster_label))
and ( curCluster.cluster_connClustDict.__contains__(jCluster.cluster_label))):
......@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ def calcEuclideanDist(iIndex,jIndex,clusterList) -> Dict[str,float]:
for curCluster in clusterList: #jCluster.cluster_layer == iCluster.cluster_layer, so i only compare to one
curLayer = curCluster.cluster_layer
curLabel = curCluster.cluster_label #debugOnly
#considering only clusters from other layers for distance calc
if( curLayer != iCluster.cluster_layer):
......@@ -116,7 +114,7 @@ def calculateSimilarity(inputLayerDict):
''' Calculates the similarity between clusters contained in the "inputLayerDict". Similarity is calculated for each combination of 2 clusters from the SAME layer.
:param Dict{layername: Layer} inputLayerDict: Contains the associated Layer and Clusters objects. The dictonary KEY is layername, the Value is a Layer Object. The Layer object has an attribute cluster_Dict which stores the clusters in the Layer.
:param Dict{layername: LayerC} inputLayerDict: Contains the associated Layer and Clusters objects. The dictonary KEY is layername, the Value is a LayerC Object. The LayerC object has an attribute cluster_Dict which stores the clusters in the LayerC.
:returns: Dict{tuple(cluster_label1, cluster_label2) : Dict{layername, similarityValue}}. Returns a Dictionary with a tuple of 2 clusters as KEY, and a Dictionary with the computed similarity of the clusters in regard to each layer as VALUE
......@@ -129,8 +127,8 @@ def calculateSimilarity(inputLayerDict):
clusterList = list()
for curLayer in inputLayerDict.values():
for curCluster in curLayer.cluster_Dict.values():
for curLayerC in inputLayerDict.values():
for curCluster in curLayerC.cluster_Dict.values():
#print(" Nr. of clusters: "+str(len(clusterList)))
......@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ def calculateWeights(inputLayerDict) -> Dict[str,LayerC]:
''' Calculates the nr of connections/weights between the clusters contained in the "inputLayerDict". Connections are made between clusters from DIFFERENT layers.
:param Dict{string: Layer} inputLayerDict: Contains the associated Layer and Clusters objects. The dictonary KEY is layername, the Value is a Layer Object. The Layer object has an attribute cluster_Dict which stores the clusters in the Layer.
:param Dict{string: LayerC} inputLayerDict: Contains the associated LayerC and ConnClusters objects. The dictonary KEY is layername, the Value is a Layer Object. The Layer object has an attribute cluster_Dict which stores the clusters in the LayerC.
:returns: Dict{layername: Layer}. Returns the inputLayerDict with the added connections in the attributes cluster_connClustDict and cluster_connNodesDict
:returns: Dict{layername: LayerC}. Returns the inputLayerDict with the added connections in the attributes cluster_connClustDict and cluster_connNodesDict
:rtype: Dict{string: Layer}
:rtype: Dict{string: LayerC}
......@@ -52,13 +52,15 @@ def calculateWeights(inputLayerDict) -> Dict[str,LayerC]:
while ( j<len(nodeList)):
jNode = nodeList[j]
#if there is a connection
#print("\n ### \n"+iNode.uniqueID +" "+ iNode.node_layer +"\n"+ jNode.uniqueID +" "+ jNode.node_layer )
#Compute a connection
if (iNode.node_layer != jNode.node_layer) and (iNode.uniqueID == jNode.uniqueID):
iOldTuple = (iNode.uniqueID,iNode.cluster_label)
jOldTuple= (jNode.uniqueID,jNode.cluster_label)
iOldKey = frozenset(iOldTuple)
jOldKey = frozenset(jOldTuple)
#iForeignKey =
#jForeignKey =
#Check if old node dicts has this node: if not add to ConnDictionary and to OldNodesDict
# Layer . Cluster . OldNodesDict . Does not contain the OTHER node
......@@ -86,11 +88,6 @@ def calculateWeights(inputLayerDict) -> Dict[str,LayerC]:
#deleting cluster_containedNodesDicts/// No longer needed
#for curLayer in inputLayerDict.values():
# for curCluster in curLayer.cluster_Dict.values():
# inputLayerDict[curCluster.cluster_layer].cluster_Dict[curCluster.cluster_label].cluster_containedNodesDict = dict()
print("Finished calculateWeights")
#store weights in database?
......@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
import json
import requests
import datetime
from routes.connClusters import add_conn_clusters
from routes.similarity import add_similarity
from routes.connRun import add_connected_run
from processing.similarityFiles.miscFunctions import *
from db.repository import Repository
repo = Repository()
def outputFileLayerFunction(layerDict,limitNrNodes,limitNrCluster,runId):
''' Writes the layerDict data to a JSON file.
......@@ -100,4 +99,43 @@ def outputMongoSimilarity(inputDict,runId):
:param string runId: Id of the Run
\ No newline at end of file
def add_connected_run():
Inserts Run with current Time into the DB
:returns: Returns the _id of the connected_run entry in the DB
:rtype: string
currentTime =
runDict = {"Datetime" : str(currentTime)}
inserted_result = repo.add_connected_run(runDict)
return str(inserted_result.inserted_id)
def add_conn_clusters(inputDict,runId):
''' Stores connected_clusters in the database.
:param Dict() inputDict: Contains the data to insert
:param string runId: Id of the Run
outputJSON = convertLayerDictToJSON(inputDict,runId)
def add_similarity(inputDict,runId):
''' Stores cluster_similarity in the database.
:param Dict() inputDict: Contains the data to insert
:param string runId: Id of the Run
outputJSON = convertSimilarityDictToJSON(inputDict,runId)
\ No newline at end of file
StartTime: 2020-07-06 10:43:32.240013
FinishTime: 2020-07-06 10:43:39.110333
StartTime: 2020-07-06 16:16:11.525479
FinishTime: 2020-07-06 16:16:18.213974
PopulateWithNewNodes: 2.399582
CalculateWeights: 4.422768
CalculateSimilarity: 0.04797
TotalTime: 6.87032
RunId: 5f02e43b53a73a48d0eaaed5
\ No newline at end of file
PopulateWithNewNodes: 2.206513
CalculateWeights: 4.435216
CalculateSimilarity: 0.046766
TotalTime: 6.688495
RunId: 5f033232366be85ec1afca7b
\ No newline at end of file
from flask import request, Response
from db.repository import Repository
from routes.connRun import add_connected_run
from processing.similarityFiles.miscFunctions import *
repo = Repository()
def add_conn_clusters(inputDict,runId):
''' Stores connected_clusters in the database.
:param Dict() inputDict: Contains the data to insert
:param string runId: Id of the Run
outputJSON = convertLayerDictToJSON(inputDict,runId)
def get_conn_clusters():
''' Gets connected_clusters from the database.
......@@ -7,34 +7,17 @@ import datetime
repo = Repository()
def add_connected_run():
Inserts Run with current Time into the DB
:returns: Returns the _id of the connected_run entry in the DB
:rtype: string
currentTime =
runDict = {"Datetime" : str(currentTime)}
inserted_result = repo.add_connected_run(runDict)
return str(inserted_result.inserted_id)
def get_connected_run(): ########TODO#################
''' ##TODO## Gets Run from the database.
def get_connected_run():
''' Gets Run from the database.
:returns: Returns Run objects from the DB
:rtype: Dict{_id,datetime}
result = repo.get_connected_clusters()
if result is None or result.retrieved == 0:
result = repo.get_connected_run()
if result is None or len(result) == 0:
print("#### Response 404")
return Response(status=404)
return result
conRun = ConnectedRun(result.sdfsdf)
......@@ -5,19 +5,6 @@ from processing.similarityFiles.miscFunctions import convertSimilarityDictToJSON
repo = Repository()
def add_similarity(inputDict,runId):
''' Stores cluster_similarity in the database.
:param Dict() inputDict: Contains the data to insert
:param string runId: Id of the Run
outputJSON = convertSimilarityDictToJSON(inputDict,runId)
def get_similarity():
''' Gets cluster_similarity from the database.
......@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@ def main():
#Currently not used, developed for possible future uses
connClustersFromMongo = getConnClusterDataFromMongo()
similarityArrFromMongo = getSimilarityDataFromMOngo()
similarityArrFromMongo = getSimilarityDataFromMongo()
connectedRunFromMongo = getConnectedRunDataFromMongo()
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