Commit f1cec40c authored by anand's avatar anand


parent fd940f34
...@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ Setting up of hyperledger fabric cluster requires the following steps. Creating ...@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ Setting up of hyperledger fabric cluster requires the following steps. Creating
- Set "INSTALL_BANK_CHAINCODE" in _"group_vars/all.yml"_ to **'n'** - Set "INSTALL_BANK_CHAINCODE" in _"group_vars/all.yml"_ to **'n'**
- By default it is set to **'y'** - By default it is set to **'y'**
- **_Sample Bank App Chaincode Repository :_** - **_Sample Bank App Chaincode Repository :_** [articonf-bank-chaincode](../articonf-bank-chaincode)
**b) Deploying Demo Bank App Application** **b) Deploying Demo Bank App Application**
...@@ -330,5 +330,5 @@ Setting up of hyperledger fabric cluster requires the following steps. Creating ...@@ -330,5 +330,5 @@ Setting up of hyperledger fabric cluster requires the following steps. Creating
- Execute: `ansible-playbook -v 105.deploy_bank_app.yml --flush-cache -u root` - Execute: `ansible-playbook -v 105.deploy_bank_app.yml --flush-cache -u root`
- Deploys the sample bank app as a docker service as a demo prototype - Deploys the sample bank app as a docker service as a demo prototype
- The service will be exposed in **port : 3000**. - The service will be exposed in **port : 3000**.
- **_App Repository :_** - **_App Repository :_** [articonf-bank-app](../articonf-bank-app)
- The playbook clones the github repository and runs the app as a docker service in port 3000 - The playbook clones the github repository and runs the app as a docker service in port 3000
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